For the Moment


She wanders into the front yard of her house, the crickets providing a soothing background noise. Beer bottles litter the dewy grass, and plastic cups hang from tree branches. Above, in the pitch dark sky with a few glittering lights, the moon shines brightly. It casts a glow seen halfway around the world.

A rustling sounds near her feet and she glances down. Lying in a sleeping bag is that handsome boy she used to know, used to speak to. He smiles his toothy grin, and her lips lift in a grin.

“What are you doing?” she asks, wondering why he’s outside when there’s floor space inside.

“Looking at the stars,” he murmurs.

It’s almost an unspoken mutual agreement, a asking and answering of looks. She slides inside the sleeping bag beside him, facing away from him. Her frame fits snugly inside of his, their legs entwining and his breath caressing her ear. He’s skinny, almost too skinny, and his hair is just the right length between short and long, a beautiful brown color; but he thinks she’s beautiful, with her never brushed hair and always naked face, her too-big clothing choices and shy demeanor.

They fall asleep like that, the moon a spotlight on their slumbering frames. Everything keeps them from being together, but they’re perfect for the moment.