Status: Going!

Glimpse into the future.

My friends don't help.

My face went RED, it was the most awkward situation I'd ever experienced. Quinn's expression turned to confusion. Then went back to his cold resolve. I watched him pull out his phone, type something in looking briefly at the paper twice, then he strutted out of the room. I immediately turned on Shelby. "WHAT THE FUDGE DID YOU DO THAT FOR?" Shelby put on a look of fake surprise. "Whatever do you mean Sara dear? Me, Do something wrong? Never." She looked rather smug, I didn't like it. "Man... why are you so difficult Shelby, I swear you're not going to wake up some morning!" She stuck her tongue out at me. "You love me to much!" They spent the rest of lunch happy, talking and giggling. I forgot all about the note until I arrived class my first afternoon class. Even before I got into the room I feel his eyes watching me. I knew it was him, who else could it be? Who would stare at me so coldly that it sent shivers up my spine. I kept my eyes to the floor as I walked to my seat. I opened my books the way I always did in history class, when I wanted to text, and I started to take my phone out. I had a message from an unknown number. I opened it.

Unknown: Why did your friend give me your number?

Me: Because she hates me.

I put my phone away. I turned to the teacher, and was, for once in life, greatly interested in history class. I went home and went straight to my room. I needed time alone if I wanted to face Quinn. I picked up my phone and turned it on. Two messages.

Quinn: This is Sara, right?

Quinn: I have a question for you.

Me: Shoot.

Quinn: Wanna go to the dance with me?

Me: I didn't know school dances are your thing.

Quinn: Well I'm trying something new.

Me: I'm not sure if I want to go.

Quinn: Want to come over tonight? I'll come get you at 6 P.M

My next text was never replied to. I went to get something to eat, how does he know where I live?
♠ ♠ ♠
Number two! woot.