Status: Going!

Glimpse into the future.

His house... Is intimidating.

I decided to shower and change. Putting on jeans and a comfortable sweater. Just as I finished, the door bell rang. I grabbed my purse and bolted for the door. I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen, to see my mother's hand opening the door. Oh damn.

"Hell....o." My mom looked anxious, it's the only way I could describe it. She's Normally so resolved, but Quinn was just released from jail. He was a criminal in the everyones eyes, well, in most of the towns eyes, Including mine.

He put on a dazzling smile. "Hello Mrs. Price, is Sara here? We have a little date tonight." That prick! I reached them then, an excuse already in my mind. I hope she buys it.

"Hey Quinn, I told you I could drive over! Oh and mom, I forgot to mention, me and Quinn are partners for a history project and its HUDGE, due in three days. Bye!" I grabbed Quinn by the sleeve and ran out the door, pushed him towards the drivers seat of his red convertable Mustang I wondered how he could afford it. Did he rob a bank or something? We drove for about 15 minutes, then turned down a long winding road that lasted another five minutes, tuned out it was his driveway. Then we finally pulled up to his.....Mansion?!

Like he could read my mind he said. "It's my brother's place, he inherited our parents' money and started his own corporation, Don't worry! He's not a creepy old business guy, he's only 26."

He looked at me with a smirk and I smiled nervously back. He parked in the garage and we walked through the most beautiful place I've ever seen, it was all deep red and dark wood. We arrived in a room that must have been Quinn's. It had a half wall dividing it into two parts, on this side there was a king sized bed a huge bookshelf and two doors. We walked into the other side, he had a huge black wrap around sofa and a giant TV. one wall as all shelves holding every game imaginable. Both rooms colored were white with black and steel accents. We sat down and watch the movie, Princess Mononoke, turns out it was on both of our favorite movie lists. But about 10 minutes into the movie, there was a loud bang. A very deep voice started bellowing at what seemed to be three pleading men.
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The third part