Status: Going!

Glimpse into the future.

He has a brother, and he's a lunitic.

"Stay here." Quinn said on his way out the door. Of course me being the type of person I am, I followed him. But I stopped when I got to the top of the stairs and held on to the top of the railing, watching as Quinn bounced down the stairs grabbing onto his brother. Spinning him around while whispering hurriedly into his ear. His Brothers expression changed many times in thought few second, Shock, confusion, anger, interest, more shock. Then he looked right at me and smiled..

He was about 6'11 and was fairly muscular. He had dazzling green eyes and dirty blonde. He walked closer to the stairs. Looked up at me and beckoned to me with his right hand, with a worried glance at Quinn who showed little emotion at the moment, I walked towards him. When a got to the bottom he held his hand out to me, I took it. He flipped it over and kissed the back of my hand. "Markus Maslin, milady. What would the name of this beauty be?" He looked up and slowly
stood to his full height. "Sara...Sara Price, sir." I said shyly. It's not every day a guy talks to me like that. "A fitting name. What brings you to my home tonight?"He asked. "Your little brother came to my house, I'm probably going to hear about it when I get home.."I mumbled, making Markus shake his head. "My brother's reputation... Ah.." And then Markus walked off, the other men fallowed. Quinn and I stood around awkwardly for a little while then headed back to his room. We watched the rest of the movie, with Quinn watching me most of the time, then played Call of duty, MoD 2. I won 11-9. Eventually it became 12 and I was getting tired, so I asked Quinn to drive me home. When I got home I turned on my cell, Shelby.

Shelby: Hey you! Text me when you get the chance, we need to go shopping tomorrow, I need a new dress, and you should get one too!

Me: Sure, and sorry about the late text, somebody decided to come over so we had to leave before my mom freaked.

Shelby: QUINN! What happened!? I told her all about the evening we had together. She was pumped, she told me I HAD to sit with him at lunch tomorrow, and if not, I'd have to do my own dress shopping.


By Wednesday me and Quinn were pretty good friends, we had decided to go to the dance together. When Kris found out his expression looked like I just shattered his world, which quickly changed to anger and then he walked off. Shelby and I had gone shopping and I got the perfect dress! All that was left was to wear it. I walked home today, my older brother borrowed my car, he had a date. I was almost home when someone ran out of the bushes and grabbed me covering my mouth and dragging me into the bushes....
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Someone decided to report me for Grammer and Spelling, Good thing i have learning disability s eh?