Status: ACTIVE.

Learn to Fly


They say life isn’t about how many breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away. I never realized until that instant that those moments weren’t always in the charming way that they sounded.

Many things could take your breath away; a first kiss, a good looking boy, a delicious cake. A funny book, a catchy song, and a relaxing run.

The depressing ending of The Notebook, the news that your parents are divorcing, and a loud scare. Tears, from when your first love ends, a painful punch to the gut, and worst of all, death.

I couldn’t remember much from that night at all. I remembered the bright lights and Georgia screaming mine name as they came at us. She instinctively had put her hand over my knee as if she could protect me from the truck that was quickly skidding his way towards us—but it was to no prevail.

After that it became blurry. I remember the feeling of the asphalt against my cheek, scraping as the fire fighters peeled my thin body off of the ground, and I remember Georgia’s hand lying on the ground, hanging from inside her blue Dodge.

My eyes were welling back tears but they didn’t come—this was my chance. Our chance; we could live an event that we were not supposed to. We could be a part of a miracle.

That day was the reason I was here, wherever I was. I really wasn’t sure anymore. My head seemed as if it was always spinning and even though I was surrounded I had never felt more alone. Loud echoes and screams were all around me and even though it was maybe twenty degrees outside the cluster of people was making my blonde hair stick to my neck with sweat.

I looked up to the sky where people were pointing with excited smiles on their faces, each one of them making silent promises to themselves that they knew they were never going to keep—they made them anyways, still seeming to have hope.

That was possibly the biggest difference between them and I. They still believed in a world bigger than this life. They believed that promises could be kept and that goals could be fulfilled while I was simply losing faith in it all. The world didn’t care what you wanted or how you felt; the world was cruel.

I looked over to my left and smiled when I saw her. Her long brown hair was in a braid, much as it always was ever since I had taught her how to do the style in the eighth grade. Her lips had a pink tint to them and her eyes shone a bright blue, depicting her liveliness.

“Come on, Hayes!” She yelled, her familiar laugh ringing through the air.

I smiled as I pushed my way through the crowd, ignoring the rude comments I was getting from people. She ran through all the people quickly making it difficult for me to keep up with her. “Georgia!” I yelled, “Slow down!”

I laughed whole heartedly, making my way to an alley on the side of the busy street I was running down. I followed her footsteps as I walked down the small, dark street. It was littered with trash cans and stray cats and I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a surplus of bums.

I rubbed my thin arm nervously, trying to heat my cooling skin. “Georgia,” I chuckled. “Come on, come out! This isn’t funny.”

I heard nothing but the sounds of yells from Times Square, not far from the alley way that I had followed the girl to. I listened but there was no response. I jumped as a cat jumped on a trash can next to me and knocked it over, creating an alarmingly loud noise. I felt goose bumps on the plains of my skin. “Georgia?” I questioned angrily, tears in my eyes. Why would she be hiding in the middle of an alley in the infamous New York City?

“Peyton,” a soft voice spoke from behind me.

I looked around the lane perseveringly hoping she would expose herself. I turned as I realized that she was gone. I looked at the holder of the voice that had just spoken my name. Of course he had followed me here.

His short brown hair was messy and the cold had brought a pink to his cheeks. His skinny jeans were tucked into his boots and he wore a thick black coat. “Are you drunk?” He asked, alarmed.

“She-she was here,” I said quietly, pointing to the alleyway behind me. “Georgia is here.”

His face dropped as he looked at me and I felt my heart following in suit. He came up to me and grabbed my arms, pulling me tightly into his chest. “Hayes, you know that’s impossible.”

“No! No, she was here! She was right-“ I turned and pointed to the darkness behind me as I realized that Georgia was still hiding, “-there.”

“Peyton,” the boy spoke delicately. I turned and looked into his sea green eyes and he put his hand comfortingly on my waist. “Honey, Georgia’s dead.”

I stared into his eyes as I realized he was telling the truth to me. I let tears begin to pour from my baby blue eyes and he held me firmly, calming my shaking body, and all that could be heard was the yells of the crowd only steps from us, welcoming the New Year.
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ANOTHER NEW STORYYYYY? I know, I'm way in over my head, buuuuuut, I got this idea today and I have big plans for this story. And it's about John Oh; what's not to love there?

Comment me and let me know what you're thinking so far!