Status: Active :)

The Life and Times of Demitri Valentine

[font=1]Freshman year is when it all started, and the thing was it wasnt even my fault. I didnt enitiate anything and yet I'm the one that ended bi while he was perfectly fine. I'm mad at my self and proud at the same time, why couldnt I just move on like he did?
I'm proud because I don't care what people think, I still have the same friends and my family still loves me all the same. But in my head I ruined my life: I can't have kids, I cant go out in public and kiss my boyfriend on the cheek without people looking at me funny, I can't play sports in college as easy as if I were straight. Everythings that has something to do with my future is gone and hes frolicking around like nothings wrong with his girlfriends.
And I'm not trying to be some whiny little boy but seriously you see my point right? I have the right to be a little upset with myself, in this generation people still look down at you for being gay. I'm not even really bi, I'd be with a girl for a bit but not even really like her that much. Yet if I'm with a guy who could be a complete absolute asshole yet really cute I could stay with him for months, so I think that mean i'm pretty much into dicks right? Right?
It's a shame I don't know the answer to my own question. I fell in love with one girl and unfortunetly I think a guy too,This is my story... f.m.l.

Heres Demitri:
  1. Ride Begins
    Would I have stayed?
  2. Complications