Status: Active :)

The Life and Times of Demitri Valentine


Let me remind you that we were both lying on a bed, I was half asleep as is, so this just added to my barely there mind. I had thought that since i was dozing off Eli had begun to too; Boy was I wrong. Usually hes always the first one asleep.
He was leaning over me, his curly hair tickling my face while i sat thier shell shocked with my eyes buggin' out. I had no idea what to do, my hands were just above my head in the surrendering position and the rest of me was in shock. Was he drunk? Or high? What the hell is he doing?
Hes always been a curious one, but this is a little too curious. hes always beenn very daring, this is too daring. Hes always liked trying new things, but this is taking it to a serious limit. Hes never cautious or nervous but he damn well needs to start!
My hands begin to shake above my head were they raised in the air from my nerves, and his lips are still pressed against mine; well only a couple seconds have passed but still its...weird. And hes weird for even wanting to try this, its just sick! My stomaches turning just thinking about what were doing. But I'm still and awesome friend, I'll give him a couple more seconds; I mean I did tell him I would'nt care if he was gay so I should at least let him make sure if he is or not. Plus Eli just ganna pull away any second now and laugh like nothing happened and keep it moving, then I'll leave and he'll call me precisely 18 minutes later and tell me if he is or not. I know him too well.
But still... This is Hella' Awkward...
I felt him put more pressure on my lips and I felt icky to the core. Then his hands pushed themselves to holding my chin and cupping my head, like I would do to a girl. That made my stomach churn. But still, he was kind of holding me in place so at the end of this I'm allowed to say he did force me. I was almost tempted to kiss back, but just because I'm a guy and I have many many hormones and it's been a while since ive had a girlfriend. But I don't, well I think don't; Who knows at this point.
At least hes not being all forcefull and grabby, that'll just make things way worst. Hes actually being forcefull but really soft; his hands arent gripping my jaw or hair, its more like barely touching if anything.
But then- I don't even know what happened- hes instantly on top of me and is being all demanding and pushy and grabby. (let me remind how fast the human brain works, and how fast thougth happens. Them kissing has ot been going on long at all)
i think both of us subconsciously knew how weird it was gonna' be when this was over so I'm hoping that hes just getting the full affect; nothing else is going down with me, I dont roll that way. he better just pray I'm an understanding person.
I mustve not noticed myself pushing back or I dont know maybe he was just ready for something more but i felt something hit my lip. The first couple milliseconds I paid no attention to it but then, it moved; directly into the split were my lips open. HE was trying to use tongue! I nearly gagged, and before i knew what was happening he was on the floor And I was on th ebed shaking and having some type of mini stroke. Gross, gross, gross, gross, GROSS!
i was laying on my back shaking and breathing ragged and wiping my mouth and spitting and I dont what else. I didnt notice Elias sit down next to me on the bed again untill he spoke, " Oh come on, my kissing is not that bad!" I looked at him like he had grown a dick out of his eyeball but otherwise didnt speak a word. i was so grossed out now, I cant even explain how... uterly wrong I feel... And hes laughing! I'm having a mental breakdown and hes laughing! i could strangle him right now.
I don't even want to be next to him, I feel dirty. Like shit on the bottom of a shoe, like rolling around in dirt and then not showering for a week, like eating ear wax with a fork, or licking feet with toe wax, or smelling rotting bodies from poor people and knowing you couldve dont something-anything- to help feed them if you only wouldve known. Like smelling rotten milk, hearing screams from your loved ones during war, feeling the hand of a dead person, or eating old chinese food. Can you even fathom how low I feel? Like Jesus just looked down on me and spit, I could burst into tears right now. I feel disgusting.
he was sitting next me now, silently watching me. I knew I had a look of complete digust on my face when I looked at him. I saw it in his eyes when he looked back down at me. I saw the regret settle in and just as he was about to speak I burst up and moved as far away with from as possible before I started yelling. " Don't try and make a joke of this Elias! Do you know what you just did?! You just- Oh my God... You just- Ugh!" I gripped my head in hands and began to pace, but then I though better of it and began the search for my things so I could leave.
I quikly scrambled around searching for my things, not glancing at Elias at all; he mightve benn talking th ewhole time, but I don't know. My head was in a completly different place. I grabbed my coat, beanie, scarf, shoes, phone, and was looking for my house keys when I heard the door creak closed and saw Elias leaning against against it with my keys in his hand. We kind of stared eachother down for a couple seconds while I called him all tyoes of names in my head.
" Stop making a scene over this, we can easily move on and act like it never happened. Thats what were going to do, act like it never happened. So calm down Demitri." He swirled the keys that were in his hand while looking at me, face expressionless. I crossed my arms angrily, " Give me my keys and move out the way Elias."
He loked shocked at what he heard. " Elias? What were on a first name basis now? You never call me Elias."
" (what) The fuck are you talking about? It's your name. What, do I have to call you pooky or some shit now?" I watch as his eyes flash and quickly steps closer to me, "Shutup! It never happened! And you usually calm me Eli, why cant we just act like it never hapenned?"
" I don't give two fucks what I call you! What's the big deal? everyone calls me D.J except you. And what do you mean forget it ever happened?! You fuking KISSED me! A GUY! and much less you BEST FRIEND!" I took a deep breath before continuing, "And if you ever want to talk to this supposed 'best friend' again I suggest you Move.Out.The.Way."
I don't wait for an answer before snatching my keys out his hand, throwing the door open and trying to race out the house. But not before I hear: "Your blowing this way out of proportion just wait a sec Demitri!" I stop in th edoorway but don't trun around, I barrely stop.
" Whatever, your the one that kissed me you fuckin fa-" I barely stop myself from saying it - that word - and quickly make my way down the steps not saying goodbye or even speaking to his mom and other relatives while I made my departure.

By the time I made home I had many many missed calls, texts, and voicemails from him, but didnt read any. It was snowing now and I listened as the wind whistled against my window. Everyone was home: Dad, Mom, Lorelei,Phoebe, and Peyton and all of them knew.
I vented to my mom as soon as I got home and she gave me some really good advice: To cool down.So I did. I took a long bath that I actually fell asleep in and was almost alseep when my brain seemed to awaken out of know where.

Why was he so calm about all of this?
Did he just want to experiment?
Did he have some weird fetish?
Had he secretly liked me?
Was he stressed out?
Was he drunk?
Was he high?
What the hell was wrong with him? Plus he kept going on and on about forgetting it. Like I could! I would permently damaged becuase I doubt I'll ever forget this. Plus if he had secretl liked me that would be so strange. Hes borrowed boxers, seen me naked, all types of shit; he knows everything about me. Well almost.
At least I don't have to worry about him for another week and a half since we were on break. I'd just ebjoy my time with my family.
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I didn't look over this so please tell em about any mistakes. Comment please!