Status: Completed :)

Letters to My Friends


To Lucy Moosey

What can I say about the Moose? Correction, what can’t I say about the Moose? Hmmm. Well the fact that you’re a perverted rapist hasn’t been proved yet; does that mean it isn't true though? Hmmm I have no idea. I hope it isn't true, because if it is I’ve just told whoever it is that ends up reading this. I wonder how they’re going to react to that...

Right, a place to start, I think that after that holiday, we are counted as writing buddies, we even have our own little nod thing. Oh no, I’ve actually forgotten the name of the nod. The nod of approval? It might’ve been that but I'm not sure now. We sat at that spot by the lake for hours and hours just writing, listening to music, you drawing and then having the occasional conversation with people with guns who are walking past. Remember that? God it was so funny!

Oh and teamwork in stalking pinkie and chasing the sexist pig, who I can’t really remember how we started talking to now. I know it was something to do with Gabbie, but other than that I can’t remember.

I also love that I got you hooked on avenged sevenfold. Ha, how much of their stuff and linkin park did we listen to on that holiday? Oh I remember on that walk to...that place...with the sand (but not the beach) and it was really windy on the way and stuff. Well yeah, that place, I remember just telling you about loads of Jimmy moments and other funny stuff to do with them.

I love that your always there (except when you’re ill *cough cough*) when I need to speak to you. I know that when I tell you something, I can trust you not to tell anyone else and all that poop. You understand everything and have a freaky thing that I can’t remember what it’s called when you look deep into things and sometimes say really smart things deep things about stuff. Ha, you know what I mean. And you use creepy smart words...

Oh and we’ve all got to love your sometimes over the top laugh. Sometimes we all just end up laughing at all of our laughs instead of what made the first person laugh to start with. I’m getting tired now and can’t really think of words. Meh, my brain (I typed Brian instead of brain then) is shutting down.

You have a creepy obsession with ‘Lucy’ and the strange thing is that it might be contagious. I find it easier to write that stuff now and I’ve found myself reading a fair bit of it now. Oh dear...I think I might’ve caught the Lucy.

Another thing I really like is that you couldn’t care less about what people think of you really, and you’re definitely not afraid to act like an idiot. (Even if it isn't always acting) Yeah...I said it. *Innocent face*

What else can I say about the Moose? Oh, yeah. I remember when you came over here on your way home from wherever it was (I pay so much attention) to come and cheer me up and stuff. When you and Katie came over it really did help, and I'm sure if Tweedy knew she would’ve come too, but it’d be weird just starting a conversation and just saying that. I'm not sure how I ended telling you and Katie now though (tiredness must make me forgetful). We ended up watching Friday Night Cranks for ages. Ha, and my mum’s laugh, and you trying to set my house on fire...Bad girl...

I shall leave it there now Moose.

Loves from Moi.