Status: Updates are come in random bouts of chapters lol.

Letters of the Snow

First Sightings

I trudged through the snow wearing my favourite wellies as it was so thick. They were purple with bright pink and white hippie flowers printed onto them, bright, just like the reddy-orange glows that caught my eye from underneath an Evergreen bush, leaves tinted in snow.

As I neared these colours I saw another; white with tints of pink, and I realised that they were a bunch of flowers. Roses and a kind I'd never seen before.

Underneath these carefully placed beauties were two words; a beautiful and elegant style of writing on a crisp, white envelope.

A letter.


For obvious reasons I was drawn to it. Obviously effort had been put into this little display.
A smile played around my lips as I crouched down next to it, I reached out and let my fingertips draw a light line along the carefully placed words.

I looked around and saw no one, no one was as insane as me to go out in this weather.
I couldn't help it, I knew it was sneaky and none of my business but my curiosity became the better of me. I pushed the flowers enough to one side to pick up the letter, I couldn't make out who it was addressed to.
I flipped it over and untucked the fold to pull out the letter. It was only a scrap of paper, but the writing was laid out carefully on the page, almost like a poem.

It's Christmas!

Man, I wish I could say that with some more emphasis.

But I do, I miss you so much.

There is no worse a date than Christmas for a Bachelor.

I can't believe that you're not with me anymore. I really do miss you, so, so much.

You always said I was a soppy sod, not much use denying it after writing this, hey?

I can almost hear you laugh as if you're reading this. Hell, I wish.

I love you.

So much that I've actually written a letter that you'll never ever read,

bought you flowers that will never be displayed. But it makes me feel better.

Bloody hell, who the hell am I now?

Ah.... I don't know. I may as well finish the letter.

Stop writing, now.

I laughed quietly to myself as I finished the letter. It was sad but quirky, sweet. I don't know what made me do it, it's not as if anyone was gonna read this from what he said.
So I pocketed it. I held the flowers up to my nose and inhaled the sweet scents. Sighing, I placed them back exactly where they'd been without the letter. This girl deserved at least something, whoever she was.

I quickly stood up and strode back home as quickly as I could, guilt pooling in the pits of my stomach.


'Lindsey?! Is that you?!' Mum called.

'Yeah!' I called back. 'I'll get back to my place soon, I'm just fetching something!'

I jogged upstairs, ran into my old room and shut the door firmly before pushing a chair up underneath the handle like I'd seen in films. I had no idea if this actually worked but I wanted to feel secure, I needed privacy right now.

I pulled out my battered old chair from my desk and sat at it, then pulling myself in and laying out the letter before me without even taking off my things. This was irrational but it made sense to me.

I'd always wanted to help people within my life. It was why I'd become a Psychotherapist. I loved my work, the only thing was that I loved it so much that I'd let it become my entire life.


I placed it gently on top of the flowers to signify it being moved, should he ever visit again.

I couldn't stop myself; someone was obviously going through emotional torture.

I had to do something. A part of me was begging for him to reply, I couldn't work out why I was so attracted to this, but I knew that I definitely was.

I grabbed some letter paper and a pen and started to write a reply.
♠ ♠ ♠
I promise that this will get more entertaining lol. More dialogue etc too.

Please comment as will love feedback - Both good and bad! Ideas would be welcome too. :)