Status: Updates are come in random bouts of chapters lol.

Letters of the Snow


I raked my hands through my hair as I walked, well, kind of forced my way through the snow. Walking normally was not an option.

I'd got drunk again. What a stupid thing to do. I wrote a letter I was now praying that no one had seen and was making my way over to it as fast as I could through this blasted snow.
I had to get rid of it. Since Amelie I'd got drunk more than usual, not often, just every week or so.

I would not do it again; it made me do things like leave letters out in the snow to get ruined.

I paused as I neared the bush. The letter had moved. Well, I was drunk at the time. Maybe I remembered it differently to how it was.

I grabbed the letter. Just what exactly had I written?


I'm sorry, I know that this is none of my business but for some reason I felt compelled to read that letter, I found it strangely intriguing. I also felt that I had to reply.
I don't know what's happened but I really do feel for you. It's so sweet.... I know that you won't want to but you can talk to me. It would give me something to do - Wry smile, lol. - if you do come back to this place.
Just a note for you, please don't do anything stupid. The world has enough stupid people lol.
A.A. X x x x x x x

P.S ((A.A. For Agony Aunt.)) Sorry, that was faintly amusing to me at the time. I now realise that it is not. :/


Well, I hadn't written that.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, I know these are short chapters but the story will unravel.

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