Status: first story:)

I'm the Princess of the Sea in an Arranged Marriage with the Prince of the Underworld

goodnight kiss

I turned the shower off and quickly changed into my pajamas. Then I ran my finger through my hair and twisted the door handle, walking into out bedroom.

Adrian was sitting on the bed with his face in his hands. he was leaned up against the bed post and looked up when he heard me enter the room

"Hey... I need to talk to you about tonight." He said to me.

I felt my throat closing up just thinking about the party. Sure, I got to talk to some of my old friends, but I kept on glancing at Adrian. He basically danced and made out with every girl he saw. But why?

Today at the mall, I'm pretty sure I felt a spark whenever we touched. I'm pretty sure He didn't even glance at any of the girls there. I'm pretty sure I was the only girl he was focuses on. When we kissed, I was pretty sure we'd never leave each others side.

He's a playboy Jackie... He probably does that to every girl he wants to 'fuck'.

I realized he was probably expecting an answer so I shook my head yes. He said and ran his fingers through his hair. Then he got up and stood in front of me.

"I'm so sorry about everything. I'm sorry about kissing all those girls. I'm sorry about acting like such an ass. And I'm sorry if I hurt you in any way. Please forgive me."

I looked him in the eyes. His eyes looked hurt and sincere. he seemed to be telling the truth. Plus for some reason,it seemed impossible to stay mad at him when he was so stressed. Also, I wanted this marriage to work out, but that's not going to happen if I stay mad at him

But I didn't want to seem like the kind of girl who would come running into his arms every time time he hurts me. He had to learn his lesson, and if I forgave him he won't.

I saw his eyes searching my face and finally let out a huge sigh.

"Fine, i forgive you. But that doesn't mean that I'm not incredibly mad at you and I swear if you ever do it again I'm giving up on you."

A huge (and ADORABLE) smile spread across his face and he pulled me into a hug, spinning me around as if I weighed nothing.

I giggled when he set me down and blushed.

"Well um. I got to go call Lissa and the rest of them and explain why I never told them about you." Gosh I felt terrible lieing to them, mostly Lissa.

We've been best friends since diapers and I never kept a secret from her, until now.

Since my cellphone is lost in the depths of me and Adrians closet, I grabbed his from the dresser and dialed Lissa number.

"Hello! Lissa speaking!"

"Hey Liss, It's Jackie!"

"Hey girl! You ready to explain about your mysterious boyfriend?"

"Uh, yeah. He's from... out of town and I was afraid that if I told you guys I had a boyfriend, you wouldn't believe me."

"Of course we would! You wouldn't lie to us about anything." Wow. Now I feel really guilty, but I faked a laugh.

"Well it's getting late Liss. I'll call you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, but Jackie... One more thing?"


"MAKE SURE YOU TO USE PROTECTION! HAHAHAHAHA!" Then before I could tell her to shut up, she hung up while laughing hysterically. I giggled and rolled my eyes. Same old Lissa.

I felt to strong arms wrap around me,"Ready to go to bed?" I nodded my head, wondering why he wrapped his arms around me... Not that I didn't like it.

"Um... Yeah, sure!" I replied, blushing like and idiot.

I hopped onto our bed and he climbed in right after me. He again wrapped my arms around my waist again and turned me towards him, pulling me up so that instead of my face being against his chest, it was only about and inch away from his face.

"W-What are you doing?" I whispered.

'I need to try something again." And with that being said he crashed his lips against mine.

It was amazing in every single way Our lips would move in sync and our tongues would explore each others mouths. I bodies fit together like puzzle pieces and I never wanted this moment to end.

Suddenly I felt his 'friend' pop up and he pulled my shirt off, as he tried to unlatch my bra, I stopped him.

"I'm not ready for that yet."

He nodded and lightly sent a trail of kisses along my neck until he found my spot.

I moaned then blushed a deep red. Oh gosh.

He started sucking on the spot and I moaned even louder. I felt him smirks against my skin, then he lifted his head up and kissed my forehead

"Goodnight Princess."

I smiled and snuggled against him. The last thought that came across my mind was ' He kissed me.. Does he like me as much as I like him?'
♠ ♠ ♠
grrrrrrrrr. I'm so mad! I had to retype this chapter because when I tried to save it the first time, it erased the chapter! GRRRRR.
