I Swear That She's the One


I tossed my backpack on top of my suitcase, and followed the yelling into the kitchen. My mom and dad were at it again, and were completely oblivious to Jackson sitting at the kitchen table.

“Could you guys hold it together in front of him?” I yelled over their bickering, “He’s 8 years old, the last thing he needs is to see you guys yelling at each other all of the time.”

“Stephen, this is none of your business,” my dad said looking me dead in the eyes, “You’re the last person to tell us what to do. You’re gone 9 months out of the year, and when you are here all you do is party.”

“This is my job and dream if you haven’t noticed,” I said with anger in my voice, “Don’t forget your other son does this with me.”

“What do I do?” John asked as he joined us in the kitchen.

“Stephen, don’t talk to your father like that,” my mom said in a scolding tone, “We are your parents, you need to respect us.”

“I’ll respect you when you grow up and act your damn age,” I said turning on my heel.

I heard them call out after me, but I just grabbed my bags and sat on the porch with them. I pulled my sunglasses over my eyes as I lit the cigarette I had placed between my lips, and let the nicotine swirl into my body.

The van pulled up in front of the house a few minutes later, and I flicked the butt of the cigarette into the rocks. I stood up, brushing my jeans off, and hollered inside to John that it was time to leave. I slung my backpack onto my shoulder and drug my suitcase to the trailer that Josh was unlocking.

When I had put it on one of the makeshift shelves, I heard John clambering down the driveway. My parents were standing on the porch, Jackson in front of them, and I made sure to not make eye contact with them. Jackson gave me a wave, and I slightly smiled before turning my head and getting into the van.

“No hug for Jackson?” Jess asked as I climbed in next to her.

“I don’t really wanna talk about it,” I said digging through my backpack for my iPod.

She nodded, turning back to her blackberry, and I let Ryan Adams pulse through my headphones as we drove off to start yet another tour.
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First part :)
Thanks to the lovely Miranda for the idea for this story! Check out her stuff, especially M.A.S.H

i'd appreciate feedback greatly :)