I Swear That She's the One

"I don't want to interfere"

I walked into the hospital, armed with two large Starbucks cups, and briskly walked to the elevator. I slid in, beside a few people in business suits, and shifted awkwardly in my skinny jeans and v-neck. As soon as the doors dinged, indicating we had reached the fourth floor, I shuffled out and made my way to the nurses station I had gotten accustomed to visiting every day.

“Super thirsty today, Stephen?” Callie asked as she eyed both cups of Starbucks in my hand.

“Not really,” I said extending one towards here, “I figured I’d bring you one, I bet you can get tired with how busy you get around here. I hope Carmel Machiato is okay.”

“I cannot thank you enough,” she said cupping the warm cup in her small hands, “And as crazy as it sounds, this is my favorite drink.”

“Mine too,” I said with a small smile, “Small world.”

She smiled with me, before taking a long drink and setting the cup down by the phone. She stood up, and we made our way to Jackson’s room, which had become a routine over the week and a half he had been up in this ward. I sat in my usual chair, and carried on light conversation as she checked his vitals as normal. When she was done, she left the room with a smile, saying she’d see me soon.

“Hey buddy,” I said as I sat next to Jackson, “You’ve officially been in the hospital for two weeks now. The doctors said you’re improving every day, and think you’ll be waking up any day. I believe them, you’re looking a lot better.

“John’s coming to visit today, the tour is in town finally. I’m actually going to play the show with them, but I’ll be back bright and early tomorrow. I may ask Callie to come, she’s a sweet girl, you’d like her.

“I’ve also been brushing up on my Madden skills, so I can finally beat you when you get out of here.”

“Never,” Jackson said in a raspy voice that caused me to jump.

“Jackson?” I asked grabbing his hand quickly, “Holy shit, Jackson, can you hear me.”

He opened his eyes a tad, and tried nodding causing a smile to erupt onto my face. I pushed the nurse button urgently, and clambered to the hallway, with my shoes sliding against the tiles.

“Callie, quick, Jackson woke up,” I said catching her as she walked out of the room next to Jackson’s.

Her eyes widened, and pushed past me into his room, before hitting one of the buttons by the door. She quickly whipped out his charts, and starting writing at a rapid pace. In no time a doctor and another nurse were in the room, and I stood against the far wall watching them fuss over Jackson. I pulled out my phone, and dialed my mom’s number as fast as I could.

“Mom, you have to get to the hospital. Jackson just woke up,” I said as soon as she answered.

“I’ll be there as fast as I can. Call your father,” she said before hanging up.

I called my dad, like my mom had instructed, and he told me he’d be here as fast as he could before hanging up his phone.

“I think someone wants to see you,” Callie said as the fussing settled down, and motioned for me to come over.

I shoved my iPhone into my front pocket, and walked over to the bed where Jackson sat looking confused. He looked up at me, and instantly got wide eyes and a smile on his face.

“Stephen!” he said putting his arms up for a hug.

“Hey little guy,” I said eagerly hugging him back, “How are you feeling?”

“I’m sore,” he said with a still raspy voice, “And I’m really thirsty. What happened? And why are you here? You’re supposed to be on tour with John and the guys!”

“You got hit by a car two weeks ago, and have been in a coma since,” I said as the doctor left the room, “I’m sure we can get you some water soon. And I had to come see my little brother! John was here for a few days, but left.”

“What about the band?” he asked seeming concerned.

“We have another tour this summer, don’t worry,” I said with a laugh.

Jackson kept asking me questions, and I filled him in on everything. After about 15 minutes, our mom came rushing in, and had tears in her eyes as she squeezed the life out of Jackson. He eagerly hugged her back, and when my dad got there I left the room to let them have their time with Jackson. I walked to the front station, where Callie sat drinking some more of her Starbucks.

“I told you he’d be awake in no time,” she said as I rested my elbows on the counter.

“You were right,” I said shooting her a smile, “Thanks for that, by the way.”

“For what?”

“You always made sure to say something positive to me about Jackson’s condition,” I said fixing my bangs, “Which made the time I spent in here sitting with him easier. I have to find a way to repay you for that.”

“I was just doing my job,” she said with a red tinge to her cheeks, “I think this Starbucks was payment enough.”

“Not even close,” I said with a wave of my hand, “How about you come to my show tonight? I can put you on the guest list, and you can even bring a friend.”

“Oh I don’t know,” she said shaking her head, “You need to see your band, and family and friends. I don’t want to interfere.”

“You won’t be interfering,” I said with a look, “The band will be glad to meet the girl that took care of Jackson. They all love him like a brother too.”

“Just tell me the time and place,” she said with a smile, “I could use a night out.”

I smiled largely, and told her what time she needed to be at the venue. We stood talking about random things, and learning more about each other. We got caught up in conversation, and didn’t hear the elevators ringing or the shuffle of shoes approaching us. John was soon by my side, and I introduced him to Callie before telling him the exciting news.

“Little Jack Jack,” John said as he power walked into the room and over to Jackson.

“John!” Jackson said excitedly leaning up and grasping him in a hug.

The two started animatedly talking, and I joined in after a while. My parents still sat in the room, and I smiled at the fact that I had my whole family in one place, and we were happy.
♠ ♠ ♠
He's awake :)
And now to start building up the relationship of Callie and Stephen a little more.