I Swear That She's the One

"Sounds perfect"

[Callie’s POV]

I touched up my make-up for what felt like the twentieth time in the last hour as I waited for Stephen to pick me up for our date. He had asked me to go on one a week ago when Jackson was discharged from the hospital.
I walked through the hospitals halls with a mixed feeling of happiness and sadness. Today was Jackson’s last day at the hospital, which meant it was the last day I would be seeing Stephen. Ever since his show a few nights earlier, we had started talking even more, and becoming more and more like friends.

As I approached Jackson’s room with the folder filled with his final paperwork, I put a smile on my face, not wanting them to know that I was saddened at the departure. I could hear the voices emitting from the room, and sadly sighed knowing I was going to miss it.

“Good morning Gomez family,” I said with a smile as I entered the room.

“Morning Callie,” they said almost in unison causing me to laugh.

“I have great news for you guys. Jackson is being discharged today,” I said with a smile on my face.

They all let out gasps of excitement, and I stood back as I watched them buzz with excitement and embrace each other joyfully. I informed Mr. and Mrs. Gomez that Dr. Burkhart was waiting to talk to them in his office about aftercare, and lead them to his office at the end of the hall.

I took a seat behind the nurse counter, and started typing up everything I needed to in order to do my part of the discharge. I was putting in the vitals I had taken right before visiting hours, and heard the footsteps against the linoleum floor. I looked up, shooting Stephen a short smile, before turning back to the computer.

“This is the last morning I’ll get to lean on this desk and talk to you,” Stephen said tapping his fingers.

“More like last morning we’ll see each other,” I said trying not to sound too sad.

“Only because I sleep until noon when I’m home,” he said with a laugh, “Don’t think you’re getting rid of me that easy Callie. I’ll just make you hang out with me on your days off, and at night when you aren’t working.”

“Oh really now?” I said smiling at him, “And how do you know I’ll actually want to hang out with you?”

“Because I’m Stephen Gomez,” he said in a fake pompous tone, “I’m kidding, but seriously, we will be hanging out.”

“Good thing I want to then,” I said saving everything I had typed up.

“Hopefully like you’ll want to go on a date with me on Thursday?” he said with his trademark, crooked smirk.

“I’d love too,” I said shooting him a smile of my own.


As my hand touched the light switch on the bathroom wall, I heard a knock against the front door. I felt the butterflies rush into my stomach, and I repeatedly smoothed my shirt as I padded to the front door. I took a deep breath as I opened the door, and smiled as I locked eyes with Stephen. He had on his normal skinny jeans, along with a gray tank top covered with a black and red flannel, all topped off with a black hoodie.

“Hey, you ready?” he asked placing a smile on his face.

“Yeah, just let me get my purse,” I said leaving the door open, and turning to grab it off of the couch.

I slid my bag onto my shoulder, and fished my keys out so I could lock the door behind me. I grabbed my thin gray hoodie from its hook and followed Stephen out to his car. In an act of chivalry he opened my door, and closed it as I stepped up into his SUV.

“So what’s on the agenda tonight Mr. Gomez?” I asked after we had been driving for a few minutes in silence.

“Well, Ms. Davenport, I figured we’d go black light mini golfing,” he said turning onto the freeway, “Is that okay?”

“Sounds perfect,” I said trying not to giggle at his nervousness, “I love mini golf.”

“Then I did a good job picking,” he said with a proud smile, “Not to sound weird, but I saw the tattoo on your back when you climbed into the car, mind me asking what it is?”

“It’s a phoenix that covers almost all of my back. I got it a little over a year ago, to symbolize a rebirth, if you will,” I said not wanting to get too into my back story, “What about you? Any tattoos?”

“Nah, I don’t think they’re for me,” he said as we pulled off at the familiar exit, “But who knows, maybe one day.”

The rest of the short ride was silent except for the radio, and he continued to act like a gentleman when we pulled into the parking lot. He opened the door into the place, and I blushed while thanking him quietly. The bored teen behind counter lazily handed us our balls and putters after Stephen passed over his debit card for our game.

“You ready to lose?” he asked as we walked into the dark course.

“Only because I’m blind now,” I said with a laugh, “Now if it was normal mini golf, I would have kicked major ass.”

“Oh yeah? I’ll have to see if you’re just all talk then,” Stephen said with a laugh before ushering me to place my ball down.

I set my pink ball down on the illuminated green pad, and lined my putter up against it before taking my arms back and swinging at the ball. I watched as it soared down the green, and cringed as it bounced over the marked bound and rattled along the fake scenery.

“Jeez hulk, calm down,” Stephen said with a laugh causing me to blush, “Maybe I should’ve taken you to a real golf course.”

“Oh hush,” I said playfully hitting his shoulder, “Let’s see you do this then.”

I stepped to the side, and allowed him to take his shot, and let my jaw drop as it dropped right into hole. He smirked at me, which was hard to see, and shrugged before we walked down to the hole, where I eventually sunk the ball.

The rest of the game went almost exactly like that. He would get it in within the first three hits, and I always took at least seven. I wasn’t sure how long our game took us, considering I was horrible at the game, but when we left the building the sun was about half set. I shivered against the chilly air, and wished I hadn’t left my jacket in the car.

“So how does dinner at Olive Garden sound?” Stephen asked as he backed out of his spot.

“Sounds like my favorite restaurant,” I said with a smile, “You’re way too good at this date planning thing.”

“What can I say, I’m a hopeless romantic,” he said batting his eyelashes playfully.

I let out a soft giggle, and turned up the radio as I heard Taylor Swift begin to play. I sang along to her angelic voice, and kept a smile on my face as Stephen joined in with me.

When we arrived at Olive Garden, after a slew of country sing-a-longs, we were lucky enough to not have a wait for our table. We were sat in a two-person booth and it didn’t take long for me to get nervous. I could do normal activities with a guy, but when it came to eating, I hated doing it around new guys. While Stephen ordered some pasta dish, I chose to stick with Soup and Salad, grateful that it was my favorite.

We talked a lot throughout the meal, and sipped on the white wine that Stephen had insisted on. I found out a lot about him that I didn’t know, and he learned more about my personal life. We were finishing our glasses of wine while waiting for the check to be returned, I noticed someone approaching from the corner of my eye.

“Stephen! How weird that we’d run in to each other here,” the obviously fake red head said as she stood next to our table, “And who is this?”

“Hey Alisha, this is my date Callie. Callie this is my ex, Alisha,” Stephen said while adding extra emphasis on the word ex.

“Nice to meet you,” I said smiling at the girl.

“Likewise,” she said with an eye roll before turning to Stephen, “So why don’t you ever reply to my calls and texts, Stevie?”

“Don’t call me that,” Stephen said with a harsh glance and a cringe, “And it’s because you broke up with me almost 4 months ago, Alisha.”

“We could easily forget about that,” she said trying to pout.

“Sorry to butt in, but would you mind leaving? You’re crashing my date right now, and he obviously doesn’t want to talk to you,” I said as I got fed up with the girl.

“Whatever, have fun with him,” she said scoffing and practically stomping back in the direction she came from.

Stephen and I sat in an awkward silence as the check came back, and didn’t speak until we were out in the parking lot ready to get into his car.

“I’m so sorry about her,” he said opening my door for me.

“Don’t worry about it, I know how exes can be,” I said shaking my head, “Sorry I kind of butted in, it wasn’t really my place.”

“I found it sexy,” he said with a wink causing me to blush, “But seriously, thank you for understanding.”

“The best of us always have that crazy ex that won’t leave us alone,” I said with a shrug before he closed my door and walked around to his.

The ride back to my apartment was short, and mostly silent. When we pulled into the spot in front of my building, I let out a soft sigh, not wanting the night to end. As Stephen put the car into park, I bit my lip, before asking him to walk me up to my door. He immediately turned off the car, and the two of us exited the car. Somewhere on our trek, his hand found mine, and I felt the same butterflies I had felt all night flare up once again.

“Tonight was fun, thank you for everything,” I said as we stood in front of my door.

“Maybe we could do it again,” he said with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

“I’d enjoy that,” I said with a shy smile, “Well I better go get some sleep, I have a big meeting tomorrow. Call me sometime.”

“Gladly,” he said before pulling me into one of the best hugs of my life.

As we separated from our hug, I stood on my tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his cheek, causing us both to blush. I looked away bashfully, and turned to unlock my door, before pushing it open, and turning back to give him a shy wave. He returned it, and I closed my door gingerly, before grinning like a fool, and doing everything in my power to not let out of squeal of enjoyment.

Stephen was different than most guys, and I couldn’t wait for our next date and the possibility of a relationship with him.
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First date :)
I like this story a lot :) minus the ending to this damn chapter.

Also, check out my newly posted Brian Dales story over here which is the sequel to this It'd be greatly appreciated :D