I Swear That She's the One

"Sounds evil."

I clipped my keys to my belt as I walked through the parking lot of Callie’s apartment building in the surprisingly warm weather. Today was our second official date since we hadn’t counted the numerous times we had hung out in the month since our first date. I stood in front of her door, and subconsciously smoothed out my white v-neck as I waited for her to answer. When she did answer, I felt the breath catch in my throat.

She was dressed in a light jean mini-skirt, a yellow tank top, and a pair of light brown boots. The yellow of her shirt made her skin seem even more tanned, and I couldn’t help but to notice the light remainder of her tan line from the summer around her neck. Her, now shoulder length, hair was curled, and bounced with her every movement.

“Right on time as always,” she said opening up her plump, red lips, “Hopefully you’ll enjoy what I planned for us to do.”

“As long as I’m with you, I’ll be happy,” I said giving her my trademark half smirk.

“Then lets go,” she said trying to hide her red cheeks, “I’m driving this time, by the way. No arguments, I feel bad making you drive.”

“Lead the way then,” I said as she locked her door.

She slid on her sunglasses, before reaching for my hand, and wrapping her small fingers around mine. I smiled at her touch, and slid my sunglasses onto my face as we walked to the dark silver Mazda parked right in front of the building. She clicked on the remote, and the lights flashed, before we released each other’s hands, and walked to our respective doors. I slid into the black leather seat, and waited patiently as she checked her mirrors and put her purse behind her seat.

“I hope you like some good old Texas barbeque,” she said as we pulled onto the main road.

“I love anything from Texas,” I said with a chuckle, “Which is why you look absolutely adorable today. I never knew you were the country type of girl.”

“I have a weak spot for the music and some of the fashion,” she said with a smile, “And thank you. You look good today too.”

I said a small thank you, before she turned up her stereo, which had a random mix CD in it.. She began to lightly sing along, and I joined in, causing her to smile and sing a little louder. We pulled into the parking right as “Mine” by Taylor Swift came to a close, and I couldn’t help but to notice Callie biting her lip as she listened to the lyrics in the chorus. I wanted her to be mine officially so bad, but I didn’t want to screw up and ask her at the wrong time. I shook the thoughts from my head as we exited the car, and went in to be seated.

The wait was minimal, and before long we were sat in one of the booths, and waiting for our drinks to be brought back to us. Callie was scanning over the menu, and I was glad that she was finally comfortable eating normally around me. When our waiter returned I ordered some ribs, while she picked some grilled chicken dish.

“So tell me something about you that I don’t know yet, Callie,” I said fixing my hair.

“I was born and raised in a small town in Colorado,” she said fiddling with her cup, “Well, it’s not that little anymore, but it used to be.”

“How long have you lived down here then?” I said surprised she wasn’t from Arizona.

“About 2 years now. I got my residency down here, and then landed the job at the hospital,” She said with a smile, “Now tell me something about you.”

“When I was 7, and John was 5, I dared him to climb this tree in the park by our house. He did it, but got stuck, so I had to climb up to help him. Turns out, he was lying, and ended up pushing me out and I broke both the bones in my forearm,” I said after racking my brain for a story.

“Sounds evil,” she said with a laugh, “But I think that’s what little siblings are meant to do. My younger brother once slammed my foot in the car door and broke it, but he denies it to this day. He claims I’m dramatic about it, and was being sassy when it happened.”

“I could never imagine you being sassy, or dramatic,” I said with a sarcastic tone.

“It’s just not me,” she said with a wink before busting up laughing.

We continued to share stories from our youth, and were interrupted when our food was carried out to us. We continued our chatter throughout our dinner, but it was less frequent due to our eating. About halfway through our meal, I somehow completely missed my mouth, and dropped my half eaten rib onto my lap. I picked it up quickly, but it had managed to leave a stain on the hem of my shirt, causing me to groan.

“It’s not that noticeable,” Callie said after we had paid our bill, “It could be worse and be right in the middle.”

“I guess, but I still know it’s there,” I said holding the door open for her, “So what else should we do tonight Ms. Davenport?”

“I figured we could go see a movie, just so I could cuddle up to you a bit,” she said unlocking her car with a smirk, “If you allow it that is.”

“Maybe, for a price,” I said with a slight smirk.

She just looked at me with raised eyebrows, before backing out of her spot and heading towards the movie theaters down the road. The theater was practically a ghost town, and we walked right up to the ticket booth and got tickets to see No Strings Attached. We found seats in the middle of the theater, and the price she had to pay was a quick kiss to my cheek before she put the armrest up, and cuddled into my side. I found myself stealing glances at her throughout the whole movie, and that’s when I knew that I had to make it official tonight, or risk losing her.


“Tonight was a blast, as usual,” Callie said as I walked her to her door, “Thanks for everything.”

“Thanks for going with me,” I said as we stopped in front of her door, “You know, I’ve been thinking about something recently.”

“And what might that be, Stephen?”

“That my life is only missing one thing to make it complete,” I said standing a little closer to her, “And that’s you, being my girlfriend. So Callie, can I call you mine?”

“I thought you’d never ask,” she said before standing on her toes to kiss my cheek.

When she fell back onto the heels of her feet, she caught my eyes by looking through her hair. I brushed some of her bangs away from her face, and left my hand on the side of her face before leaning down and softly placing my lips against hers. It took her a second to react, but she kissed right back, and I couldn’t help but to smile into it.

When we slowly pulled away, I opened my eyes, and saw Callie with an almost euphoric smile on her face. She bit her lip as she smiled, and unlocked her door before sliding in, and waving me goodbye. I turned on my heel and walked with a hop to my step as I went back to my car, knowing I had the girl of my dreams in my life for what seemed like a long time.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was inspired by the song Something Like That by Tim McGraw. Mainly the lyric, "I Had a barbeque stain on my white t-shirt, she was killing me in that mini skirt...She had a suntan line and red lipstick, I worked so hard for that first kiss."

sorry it's so short :/