Long Live


Shiloh sat on her bed, strumming her guitar, the hint of a song on her lips.

“That sounds pretty.”

Shiloh jumped and when she looked up, she saw her best friend sitting across from her on her bed. “Ashton!”


“How long have you been sitting there?” She asked, her eyes wide with shock.

He shrugged. “About…fifteen minutes. Your song sounded so pretty. I did not want to disturb you.”

She smacked him. “You scared me! Don’t do that!”

He laughed. “Okay, okay. I promise.”

She sighed and set down her guitar. “That song has been stuck in my head for a while. I just…don’t have the words yet.”

Ashton nodded. “Vanessa said I could stay for dinner.”

Shiloh smiled. “Good. She’s making enchiladas and we rented that old Dracula movie.”

Ashton cheered. “I love her enchiladas.”

Shiloh laughed. “Everyone loves her enchiladas. They are heaven-sent.”

Ashton smiled. “So that song…I can lay a beat to it if you want.”

Ashton and Shiloh had been friends for as long as either of them could remember. Once they hit the age of fourteen, they started a band with three other guys in their grade.

As Ashton stood up to find his extra drumsticks, he paused. “When did you draw this?”

Shiloh went to stand next to him. That was another talent of hers…drawing. “This morning.”

He ran his fingers over it. “Those people…they look so real.”

She nodded. “I know. I keep dreaming about them. I don’t know why, though.”

Ashton sighed. “Well you definitely have an eye for detail. Now lets lay down that beat.”

An hour later they teens and Vanessa were downstairs in front of the tv. Shiloh popped the dvd in. “Thanks Aunt Vanessa.”

The woman smiled. “I love these movies.”

Later, though, when Dracula started drinking someone’s blood Shiloh started to feel something. Her head spun and felt as though she was going to jump out of her skin.

“Shi, you okay?”

She looked up at Ashton and shook her head. “Yeah I just…I don’t feel well.”

“Go lay down, Shi. I am done eating. We can finish this movie tomorrow or something.” Ashton said.

She smiled at him. “Thanks Ash.”

“I will come check on you in a little bit. If you are going to throw up, don’t use the bathroom next to your room. I need to call a plumber for it.” Vanessa yelled.

Shiloh went upstairs and laid on her bed. “What’s happening to me?” She asked aloud.