Long Live


“Well this is great.”

Shiloh rolled her eyes at the situation she was in. After she had gotten off of the plane in Seattle, she told a cab driver to take her to Forks. He obliged but as they got near the town, it was raining and a truck slipped, and ran right into their car.

So now she looked around at the hospital room she was in, and sighed. She wasn’t really hurt, just a bit banged up, but in order to determine that she wasn’t severely injured, she had been taken to the hospital nears Forks.

Suddenly she heard the doctor coming into the room. “Hello. I’m Dr.-”

He stopped short when he entered. “Oh my God.”

She looked at him, and suddenly her heart stopped, although she didn’t know why. “Is everything okay?”

His face immediately went back to it’s calm state, and he walked forward. “My name is Dr. Cullen.”

Her mind was racing. “C-Cullen?”

He nodded and came over to her. “I bet you have questions.” He said as he checked her head. “You seem okay to leave. Why don’t you wait in my office and I can explain anything you need to know?”

She nodded almost robotically. “Okay.”

He led her to an office at the end of a long hallway. “I have a few patients I have to check on and then I promise I will be back to explain anything you need me to.”

She nodded again and with a small smile, he left the room. Shiloh looked around the office. It was quaint, but spacious. He looked like he had some money, but did not flaunt it. On his desk, he had many pictures of his family.

Suddenly her eyes locked on a picture of two people who were probably about 19 years old. It was a close-up picture of the two, and it looked so happy. The man was sitting and laughing, his arms around the woman, who was laughing really hard. Their smiles made their faces light up. But something else got to her. That couple looked a lot like her.

Her mind was flying inside of her head and her stomach was churning. These were her parents. The people who had brought her into this world. The people who she knew had died long ago. The people she wished she could meet and have in her life.

She looked up as the door opened and Dr. Cullen entered again. He noticed her face and watched her. “Shiloh?”

She grabbed the picture and ran to him. “How do you know them? Why do you have this picture?”

He was not surprised by her reaction, but he was surprised by the slight anger held in her voice. “You know who they are…don’t you.”

She nodded and pushed the picture closer to him. He took it from her, and sighed as he looked at it. “This was taken about 15 years ago. Not too long before you were born.” He looked at her. “Sit. Please. I will explain everything.”

They sat and the teenager looked at him. “What the Hell is going on?”

“Why don’t you tell me why you came to Forks?”

She sighed. “I don’t know. Up until earlier this morning I was living with my aunt and having a good life. Then we call for a plumber, who obviously had no idea what was he was doing, and I am being pulled out the door by said aunt and getting shoved onto an airplane with a bunch of random information and being told to find some…Cullen. Your Cullen. So start talking.”

Dr. Cullen nodded. “Well first off…you can call me Carlisle. Everyone does.” She nodded but did not speak, so he continued. “Can I see what your aunt gave you?”

She went into her bag and pulled out the picture and locket that her aunt had given her. “I also had my ticket but they took that at the airport.”

He nodded and looked at these items. The picture he smiled at. It was a somewhat blurry picture of their house in the woods. When he got to the locket, he paused. “Have you looked at this yet?”

She shook her head. “Can you start explaining why I am here?”

He nodded and explained everything. He told her that he and his family were vampires and that she was a half-vampire. He explained that no one knew this fact because they were careful. He told her that they were vegetarians and only drank animal blood. He told her everything. “In that picture that you found on my desk, holds deep sadness for me. You’re right…they are you parents.” Her heart hurt at that fact. “Their names were Shane Jackson and Harley Cullen. Your mother was my daughter.”

Shiloh stared at this man. He was her grandfather? But…he was definitely not old enough to be her grandfather. “Um…you’re insane.”

He chuckled a bit. “Some would say. But it is the truth. The reason you were sent here, was so that we could protect you from the Volturi. They are not happy that you were born.”

“But my aunt never-”

He cut her off. “She couldn’t. It would just endanger you more.” he smiled. “And by the way…she is really your grandmother. Your mom’s birth mother. You know…your mom was a half-vampire too…for a while.”

She shook her head at him. “No. No. No. This is crazy. Your crazy.”

He nodded and picked up the locket. “What did Vanessa tell you about this locket?”

Shiloh shrugged. “Just that…it was given to me at birth. She told me it might help me remember.”

He handed it to her. “Here. Like she said…maybe it will help you remember.”

She took it from him and stared at it. It looked so precious. Like someone had wanted to get her the perfect gift. But who could care about her that much? She slowly clicked it open, but did not push the top open. She looked up at Carlisle, who nodded for her to continue. She completely opened the locket and saw a picture of another young couple.

Suddenly her mind exploded. She remembered. She remembered everything. Every little moment. Everything anyone had said to her since birth. She remembered. She knew everything. She did know how she knew everything, but she did.

She looked up at Carlisle. “Grandpa?”
♠ ♠ ♠
So I hope you guys like this chapter. Next chapter she sees the rest of the family!

Please comment! :)