Long Live


Shiloh sat in the car when they got back to the house. She remembered how much they all cared for her, but she was nervous. They hadn’t seen her in nearly sixteen years, and she wasn’t sure how to act towards the people she barely remembered.

“Shiloh…you coming?”

She looked up to see Carlisle staring down at her. She sighed, and slowly stepped out of the car and followed him to the front steps. Suddenly the front door came flying open, Alice came tearing out.

“Oh my God!” She shouted. “You’re back!”

Alice hugged her, and held her tightly. Shiloh laughed a bit. “Okay I remember that you are my Aunt Alice.”

Alice smiled. “Yes. I am. And inside you will see everyone else.” She turned to Carlisle. “I am sorry I didn’t say anything. I didn’t know that she would end up there. She was supposed to end up here.”

He nodded. “It alright, Alice.”

Then she turned back to the teenager. “Let’s go inside. Everyone will be wondering why I just left the house so quickly.”

Shiloh smiled and followed them into the house. When they got in there, the first people they saw were Esme, Rosalie, and Emmett. They all looked up when she walked in and they stared at her.

Esme was first to move. “Oh, my baby.” She came to the girl and hugged her gently. “We missed you.”

Shiloh looked at her. “Grandma?”

Esme nodded and moved aside as Rosalie moved forward. “Shiloh. You look so much like Harley.”

Suddenly Emmett was coming towards her with a smile. “Finally! You finally come back to us.” He picked her up and spun her around in a hug.

She laughed. “Uncle Emmett…that was a very interesting greeting.”

He smiled. “Sorry.”

She shook her head. “It’s fine, but I am not used to that. Ashton can’t really do that.”

Alice looked at her. “Ashton? There’s a boy? We’ll be talking later.”

“Alice leave her alone.”

They turned and saw a small family standing in the doorway. Shiloh smiled as the younger girl came forward. “Another girl in the house! Finally! Someone who might understand me.”

Shiloh giggled a little and hugged Bella and Edward. “Welcome home, Shiloh.”

The teenager smiled at them and suddenly they felt another presence enter the room.

“There are a lot of different emotions gong on down here. I had to come and see what was happening.”

Suddenly his eyes fell on Shiloh. Their eyes locked for a long time. Everyone knew about the special connection the two of them had when she was a baby, but now that she was older they needed to see how that would play out. Jasper came closer to her, watching her face carefully.


She nodded, sudden tears pricking her eyes. “Uncle Jasper.”

Then she walked forward and hugged him. He hadn’t been expecting it, yet he wrapped his arms around her and they stayed like that for a while. When they pulled apart they continued to stare at each other.

“I saw the locket…I remember everything.”

He nodded. “I figured. I hoped that one day that locket would help us out.”

She smiled. “Thank you.” Then she cleared her throat. “So…someone start explaining.”