Status: Active



It was the Saturday, already, and since the day Megan had ran in, slobbering over whatshisface, I hadn’t done much at all, apart from going to work. But, today, it was my day off, and nothing - no one - was going to change the fact that I was going to spend my day off at home. Or, so I thought. My room, which consisted of old, pale wood furniture, creams and floral patterns- which I quite liked- was quite dull, due to my curtains being closed, and because of this, it was even harder to drag myself out of bed.

However, on doing so, I showered, brushed my teeth, got dressed, did my hair and makeup, then I headed out of my room, still half asleep. It usually took a lot more for me to wake up, and I didn’t favour coffee or tea that much, so it was always water, or something fizzy that I had to drink. I sat in the chair, staring across at the wall for a moment, before slowly lowering my head onto the surface of the table, but it shot back up when Megan slid into the kitchen, already dressed, her cheeks pink, like she’d just been out. My eyes took a glance at the clock, and it was then that I realised it was 3 in the afternoon. Oh.

Megan stopped when she saw how tired I seemed, and she let out a little laugh. “You’ve only just woken up?”

“Almost. About an hour ago, actually.”

“That’s still pretty lazy.”

I flipped her off and stood up, rubbing my face. “Where’ve you been, anyway?”

“I told you,” Megan started, lightly tapping my cheek, which resulted in my expression completely falling. “Tom came and picked me up at, like, 10 this morning. He’s taking me to the fair, later, but for now, he’s already took me for breakfast, shopping…” she paused, and sighed, giggling. “He also told me that he has four spare tickets for some gig, tonight, and he’s invited me and you.”

My face clearly read that I was not interested, at all, and I shrugged. “And?”

Megan rolled her eyes, and the grin was back. “Hollie, we’re going. Get... re-dressed, I’ll be back for five, and then Tom’s taking us.” She left me with a kiss to the cheek, and before I could even ask who the band was, she was back out of the door.

I furrowed my eyebrows and sat back down at the kitchen table, lowering my head onto the top of it, for the second time, and closing my eyes, a lazy smile on my face.

Megan wasn’t a minute late. She’d come home at five, where I, for once, was already dressed and looking decent enough. She left to get herself dressed, and Tom had run up to our apartment bang on six. Obviously, Megan had told him which room we were in; I didn’t expect him to have just guessed correctly. After me and Tom shook hands and said hello, Megan eagerly stormed off to the car. She wasn’t in a mood, she was just excited about the concert.

Tom seemed nice enough. Throughout the entire journey, with Megan sat in the front passenger seat and me sat in the back, he had attempted on several occasions to make conversation, but it only resulted in me answering with one word, or Megan answering for me, so in the end, I decided to put my earphones in, and listened to my iPod, instead.

So, here we were, finally, at the venue. I climbed out faster than the other two, mainly because Megan had waited whilst Tom got out and opened her door. Sweet, but it didn’t really have to happen when I was there; it just reminded me that I would be forever alone. But I was okay with that, I suppose.

At the doors, Tom took the tickets out of the ripped envelope, where it had ‘You Me At Six’ written on all three of them, in bold letters. Apparently, his friend didn’t want to come with, so the fourth ticket went online, but it was probably too late for anyone to even notice it. When we walked in, there were teenagers littering around, others going into and coming out of the toilets, and then groups practically skipping through doors, where some stupid pop music was blasting from. I did not expect that to be the band we were seeing, and instead, I hoped it was the annoying pile of crap they played whilst the stage was being set up.

After Megan and I took a quick run to the toilets, the three of us walked through the doors, and there, we found ourselves in the hall itself. The air seemed clammy and my vision wasn’t as good, anymore - probably due to the mist that was let out from the machine on stage - and there were already tons of people crowding around the barrier. There was three men behind a soundboard at the back of the hall, probably controlling the lights, the sound, etcetera, and it was apparent that we had already missed the support band, because there was a chant of: “You Me At Six! You Me At Six!”

Stuffing my hands into the pockets of my skinny jeans, I walked across the hall, trailing behind Megan and Tom, who had been holding hands since they climbed out of the car. I felt like a third wheel, and I knew I looked like one, just walking behind the really cute couple. I stood beside Megan and watched the men walk on and off stage, taking off and adding equipment, and my eyes kept glancing around. From outside, you wouldn’t have thought that a place so small could’ve held so many people at one time.

Finally, though, the men had left the stage, the annoying pop music had stopped, and the lights dimmed, which resulted in the massive crowd lifting their arms in the air and clapping, screaming and cheering. I glanced at Tom and Megan, who were chanting ‘You Me At Six’, and what with feeling left out, I joined in. It didn’t take long for five men to walk on stage, though, and - if it was possible - the crowds’ cheers intensified, and I shut myself up, watching the band as the lights slowly became brighter, fading from one colour to another.

The first boy my eyes landed on, seemed to be the front man. He held the microphone steady in it’s stand, and grinned, his cheeks pink. He had brown hair, and almost seemed to have two fringes, with the rest of his hair looking slightly wavy. He wasn’t wearing anything special, either, just some jeans, converses, and a blue shirt. Out of the three guitarists, there was one with dark hair, which was actually quite long. The other, had black hair, which only fell to his ears and eyebrows. The third guitarist, was quite small, and bubbly looking, his hair a lighter shade, although probably the same length as the second guitarist, and all three of them were wearing jeans, converses, and a hoodie - all zipped up. Then, there was the drummer. He was wearing a plain white shirt, jeans and converses, his brown hair falling half an inch passed his eyebrows.

My eyes went straight to the front man as he began speaking into the microphone, his accent seeming sweeter than mine, or Megan’s. It must’ve been because he was a boy, or something. “Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls,” he began, the cheeky grin still on his face. “We are, You Me At Six.” Just then, they all began jumping around, obviously besides the drummer, and despite them being quite a small band, their first song was pretty good. It was called something like ‘Save It For The Bedroom’, and I was definitely impressed.

Okay, this wasn’t meant to happen. It hadn’t even been ten minutes since You Me At Six finished their set, and Megan had already pulled Tom to the back corner of the dim hall, near the bar. I had to keep glancing over my shoulder to check if they had finished swapping saliva, but they hadn’t, and I felt like just walking out and making my own way home. But, before I could, there was a light tap on my shoulder, and a voice that seemed familiar. Turning my head, my eyebrows lifted in surprise. It was the singer, and even up close he was decent looking.

“You alright?” he asked me, chuckling. So, it hadn’t just been me that thought it. People could see that I was a third wheel. Or, maybe he could just see how lost and pathetic I looked, standing around on my own.

I nodded my head, though, and forced a little smile. “I’m fine.”

His head tilted, and by the way the fans were rushing out, I guessed they’d already met him, took a picture with him, all that jazz. “You waiting for those two?” he questioned, nodding his head in the general direction of Tom and Megan. After a little nod from me, a grin - quite like the one he wore on stage - showed up on his face, and he lightly nudged my arm with his fingertips. “Nah. Let me buy you a drink; I think they might be a while.”

God, I hoped not. I’d probably make the biggest fool out of myself in front of this boy. He was in a band, for Pete’s sake, and I, well. I worked in my fathers book store, on some cobbled street in Surrey. However, despite this, I sighed and nodded, allowing him to gently push the small of my back, leading me to the prettily lit bar.

We both slid onto a bar stool, and after asking me what I’d like, he ordered two diet cokes. I hoped he wasn’t just buying himself a glass of boring coke because I wanted it, because then I’d feel mean. I mumbled a thanks and gave him a smile, sipping my drink through a bright green straw.

The boy copied me, although he had a pink straw, and licked over his lips after he’d swallowed his drink. “So, what’s your name?”

“Hollie.” I answered, swirling my straw around in the glass, my eyes glancing up at his, which I noticed were somewhat a grey-blue. They were nice.

He smiled, and extended his hand to me. “Joshua.”

Shaking his hand, he took it back, and glanced over his shoulder at Megan and Tom, who still seemed to be sucking face. I swear, they were on the verge of undressing each other. “Sorry about this,” I murmured. “You can leave, you know. I’ll be fine, here.”

Josh laughed, shaking his head and looking down at me. “I never usually do this.” he told me, shrugging lightly. “I like it. I think I’ll stay, thank you very much.”

After ten more minutes making conversation with Joshua, I realised how sweet this boy actually was, and (a plus), I found out he was my age, and that he lived in Weybridge. He made me laugh, too, which was unusual, and it was even stranger how comfortable I felt around him; I even told him where I worked when he asked. Then, it all stopped when Megan stumbled back over with Tom trailing behind like a lost puppy - both of them looking like absolute hobo’s.

“Come on, Hollie,” Megan called, a little too loud for my liking. Josh raised his eyebrows, glancing from me to her. “Time to g- oh, hello.” she squealed, her expression changing into something so happy, it seemed unreal. She tapped Joshua’s shoulder, harder than she intended, making him jump, his body slamming into the counter of the bar. She laughed, high pitched, and pinched his cheek, so hard that I saw the singers’ face begin to turn red with rage. She let go of his face and giggled, slapping my back. “Come on, let’s leave lover boy to shag some groupies.”

My eyebrows rose, as did Joshua’s, and even Tom’s. I had my wrist tugged by Megan, and stood up, shaking my hand out of her grasp as she dragged both me and Tom to the exit. However, I stopped and turned when Josh called for me.

“Listen, Hollie,” he started, smiling, quite sheepishly. “Would it be okay if I had your number? Maybe we could arrange to have coffee or something?”

I smiled at this, but decided to try and play a little harder than usual. Shaking my head, I shrugged. “I don’t like coffee,” I stated, tapping his arm that wasn’t practically punched by Megan. “And nor do I like to date rock stars.” I began to smirk at my own words, and waved. “I’ll see you around, Josh. Yeah?”

Then, I turned, and hurried out after Megan and Tom, with Joshua blinking after me, shock written all over his face.
♠ ♠ ♠
A little longer, I think? I may be able to post the next chapter tomorrow, but if not, I hope everyone has a lovely Christmas, and a happy new year!

(P.S: If anyone is wondering, this is what Hollie was wearing, and this is what Megan was wearing.)