But Baby, Let's Sing Lullabies


It was late at night, and the Jersey airport was empty. You could hear the faint sounds or the aeroplanes depart, typing from the various check in desks and faint chatter. Frank was sprawled across the chairs in the waiting area. He had now been waiting for Gerard’s return in anticipation for around an hour now. He felt so tired, his eyes fluttering shut every now and again. Gee had called him up earlier that night, telling Frank that he was coming home a few days earlier, and needed a ride home. Frank, of course volunteered to pick his boyfriend up from the airport; given it was a ridiculous time when he should have been sleeping! Just as frank dozed off on the uncomfortable plastic chairs, there was an announcement over the intercom

“This is an announcement regarding flight 205 which was meant to be arriving in Jersey around now. There has been problems with the flight. Could anyone regarding family members, friends of colleges please come to desk 10. Thank you.”

Frank jumped up, rubbing his eyes free of sleep. He sprinted over to the customer help desk and asked about the message he had just heard

“I‘m afraid to tell you that there has been an accident. It seems that the fuel levels weren’t checked for taking off, and the plane ran out half way through the flight to Jersey”. Frank watched the blonde, stick like woman explain what had happened. He couldn’t take it all in. what did this mean? Gerard was on that plane. Gerard.

“Where’s the plane? How is everyone?” Frank muttered quickly, trying to get his words out.

“I‘m sorry, that’s all we are aloud to say for now. The plane landed about 30 minutes from Jersey, so we have sent medics and fire-fighters over to the scene to rescue the survivors.”

Survivors, SURVIVORS! She knew, she knew that people had died.

“MY BOYFREIND IS ON THAT PLANE! Do not give me that bull about how you have to follow your SHITTY procedures, I don’t give a damn, my boyfriend was on that plane, I NEED to know!” Frank screamed at the helpless woman, his tears now flowing freely. At that moment, he felt a hand on his back, expecting it to be another shitty attendant, he darted around and smacked the person in the face. Frank looked down shocked at what he had just done, then to realise it was non other than Gerard . He fell to his knees, cradling Gerard in his arms.

“Gee, gee baby wake up, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hit you, I though you were dead baby!”

“Frank? Dead? Me? What!”

“Shh! Baby its okay, they told me that you had been on a plane, that had run out of fuel, they told me you were on that baby, B-but your H-here! ”

Frank picked Gerard up, and sat him down on the chairs he had previously been sleeping on. Then, the attendants that had told him about the planes crash, walked over, she explained that it was flight 204 NOT 205 that had crashed, that she was very sorry for causing Frank to worry and about Gerard getting hurt. After Gerard’s face was cleaned up, Frank took him back to his apartment.

“Sugar, stay with me tonight?” Gerard whined effortlessly.

“Of course I will, come on lets go to bed. I really am sorry about tonight ya know.”

“Oh god Frank, please stop saying sorry! It wasn’t your fault, I mean they had just told you that I had been in a plane crash, anyone trying to touch you would have gotten that treatment, I would have done the same”.

The two of then stripped down into their boxers and crawled into Gerard’s inviting king size bed. It was dressed in black sheets, with red trimming. They snuggled up together, not sleeping just holding each other; they had really missed one another.

“Gee, did you really mean that, about how you would have been the same if I was on that plane? Would you have been that worried?”

Gerard sighed and held Frank closer.

“Of course I would have been the same, if not worse. I was going to wait for the right time tonight to tell you this, but, well I think you need to hear it now and we didn’t really get a ‘perfect’ time! ” Gerard stated calmly.

“I-I I think I L-L-love you! ” Gerard muttered at the speed of light.

Frank just stared. He was being serious. He was for real. Frank felt exactly the same, but had never mustered up the courage to tell Gee.

“I love you too”.

And that was it, everything was out in the open, they had both expressed how they felt for one another. They loved one another.