But Baby, Let's Sing Lullabies


“Now, are we going to be okay this time, the first time we have been to the airport since your little incident!” Gerard stated, with a smirk growing across his pale face.

“Gerard! If you remember correctly I was only panicking because I though YOU were on that flight! It wasn’t my fault if my oh so sexy boyfriend was supposedly on a flight that had just CRASHED!” Frank stated back, growing hesitant.

“Baby! Be calm! You do have a little temper on you don’t ya!” He spotted, walking over to Frank; they had just checked in at the airport and would be flying to Italy in about an hour.

“You love my temper! You know it turns you on” Frank whispered into his boyfriends ear knowing this would turn him on, and that they were in the middle of an airport getting ready to board a plane, therefore couldn’t do a thing about his horny-ness!

“Frank, why! Why do this to me baby!” he whimpered.

“Because your so fucking sexy, and I love to see your face like that when your turned on!”

“I do not have a turned on face!”

“Oh baby, you do! Trust me!” frank giggled.

About 30 minutes passes, and it was now time for the lovers to board their plane to paradise. They walked hand in hand onto the plane, where they found their seats, fidgeting until they felt comfortable for the long flight. Finally, it was time for take off. As the plane began to roll down the long runway, Gerard noticed Frank grow uneasy, then burry his head into his shoulder.

“Frank baby, everything okay?” Gerard asked concerned.

“Ahum, I‘m fine, really!”

“I don’t think you are! You look white as a sheet, maybe even as white as me!”

“I just, don’t really like flying okay!”

“Awww! Baby! Why didn’t you say something? Its okay, to be perfectly honest, I don’t really like it that much.”

Frank lifted his head from Gee’s shoulders and smiled. He grabbed his boyfriends hand and began to squeeze tightly, Gerard rubbing his thumb over Frank’s reassuringly as the plane gained sped, then finally lifting from the ground. The plane finally levelled out in the air, flying at a steady pace. During the flight, Gerard and Frank did numerous things to keep them busy and preoccupied from their joint fear of flying. They watched the in flight film about 3 times, played video games, listened to their beloved ipods and made out. Finally, after what felt like a lifetime, the plane began to descend.

“YAY!” Frank screamed.

“Shh! Why you so happy all of a sudden? I thought you hated flying!?”

“I do, but I LOVE the landing! Its FUN gee!” he squealed in excitement, causing everyone in the isle to stare.

“Oh dear! Frank how much candy did you have?” Gerard sighed, knowing fully well Frank was not going to shut up anytime soon.

“LOTS! Yay!” he screamed once again, his voice laced with excitement.

As the plane landed, the passengers filled out in lines, Frank in-between them bouncing around, full of energy AND sugar! They collected their luggage and made their way out to the front of the airport. Gerard pulled over a taxi, managed to get Frank sat inside and belted up, and get the luggage in. After about an hours drive, two toilet stops and a warning from the driver, who had had enough of Franks hyperactivity, and therefore threatened to leave them in the middle of the deserted roads they were slowly travelling down in order to find their secluded hotel. They finally arrived at the luxurious hotel. It was castle like, looked inviting and home like, but posh and expensive.

They walked into the foyer, the floor was fitted out with rich blood red carpet, so thick and soft you could feel your heels sink into it; if you weren’t careful, you’d almost get lost in it. Their were many paintings on the walls. Stepping into such a place, they felt content and excited. Both Frank and Gerard knew that this holiday was going to be their best time together yet.

“Gee Gee, this is AMAIZING!”

“I know baby! Its great, you chose well!” Gerard replied embracing his lover from behind, trailing sloppy butterfly kisses upon his neck. Frank moaned and pushed his head back into Gerard’s chest. They closed the door to their hotel room, not before putting the little do not disturb sign onto the door. This was going to be one memorable holiday.