But Baby, Let's Sing Lullabies


Weeks had passed, that night Frank had broken down, he flew back to Jersey and hadn’t looked back since. He didn’t know where Gerard was, what he did after he ran back to their room, found Frank and all his things gone; knowing that he had fucked it all up. A part of him didn’t care what had happened to his boyfriend. There was always going to be that chamber in his heart, that ached, echoed to know if Gerard was okay, if he was forgiven, if he still loved his lame excuse for a boyfriend, one that ditches them in another country, just because of a petty argument. He needed to know.

Frank had taken to his close friend Ray’s couch. He hadn’t wanted to go home, not after being with Gerard. Since he had flown back, he had visited his apartment, but everything reminded him of the guy he jilted back in Italy. His smell still lingered around, in the bathroom, on the couch, on the bed. It was too painful for Frank to bear, to smell, to take in. Given this, he had crashed Ray’s apartment, claimed the couch and had eaten every last piece of food in his fridge, cupboards and freezer; when Frank was in pain, emotionally or physically, he ate. Comfort ate.

“Frank, I love you to death man, but come on, this isn’t doing either of us any good. Your getting fat and sad, and I’m fading away! You’ve eaten all my food man!” Heaved Ray, clearly beginning to get fed up with Frank’s existence in his apartment. His small friend was like a mouse, stayed without paying rent, ate all the food and made a huge mess. Ray loved his rodent, but something’s got to give.

“I cant move, I have a broken heart and a tummy ache” Frank whinged like the small child he once was. He was tucked up on ‘his’ couch, wrapped in all the blankets he could get his small hands on. On top of the blankets, resting on his stomach, were two tubs of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream.

“Frank! 1. You caused all this. You were the one that left the poor guy in EUROPE. You were the one that took off and left, the one that has most probably broken Gerard‘s heart. 2. I‘m not surprised that you have a tummy ache, after the FIVE tubs of ice cream you’ve just demolished! You NEED to get out Frank, Please.”

Frank threw the empty cartons of ice cream off himself and onto the floor, leaving a gooey mess for Ray to clean up. He turned his body around so that his nose was touching the back of the sofa. He then tucked his small, dark haired head into the remiaing space between the blankets and the couch.

He was blocking out the world, he was blocking out Ray, but most importantly, he was blocking out the only person he had ever loved, loved so much it hurt him, it scared him
