But Baby, Let's Sing Lullabies


“Gerard? Gee open the door big bro, I miss you!” squealed Mikey, clearly frustrated with the loss of social activity in Gerard. Mikes knew what had happened in Europe, about Frank and how Gee had fucked things up slightly. He sighed, pushing his scrawny back onto Gerard’s front door; slumping down onto the mat. He rested his hands beside his hips and ran his fingers through the rough, scratchy material that the door mat was made out of. He pushed his thin boney fingers under the mat, until they came into slight contact with something hard, metal.

“The fucking spare key! Why mikes, why didn’t you think of that before!” Mikey screamed, most properly waking every neighbour in the small apartment block. He jumped up from his slumped state, took the sparkling silver key and jammed it into the lock. It fitted perfectly. He pushed to door open to reveal Gerard’s apartment, looking like a pig sty. There was empty soda cans scattered across the floor, take out sprawled across the tables and sides. Mikey stood and took the view in for a moment. He knew focused his eyes onto the huge lump that was laid on the sofa. Gerard.

The younger sibling slowly walked over the couch, looking at his older brother in awe. He looked a complete mess. He hadn’t shaved in what looked like weeks, but it wasn’t really a lot, you could still tell though. He was dressed in sweats that looked ancient, and smelt like a trashcan. He slowly reached down the sleeping beauty and shook him awake.

“Gerard Arthur Way, get you stinking ass up NOW” Mikey yelled.

“W-what, Mikey?! How did you get in. leave me alone” Gerard answered groggily, still not fully awake from his long slumber.

“Gerard, its been 3 weeks since ive last seen you, not a phone call, postcard, nothing. Do you realise how worried I was! I don’t think you do! I bumped into Frank, he told me all, now UP UP UP! Got get a shower, ill clean up.”

“Errrrg. Mikes I love you and all ,but why go around poking in MY business.” Mikey shot his older yet, not so wiser brother a death look. From that, Gee shut up, walked slowly into the bathroom and began to shower at least a weeks worth of dirt away.

Mikey began to clean up. By the time Gerard had gotten out of the shower, around 5 huge trash bags had been filled. As Gerard walked from the bathroom, clean and shaven he gave Mikey a smile. He then walked over to his baby brother and embraced him into a huge bear hug.

“Thanks Mikes, I‘ve been so down, I‘m sorry I didn’t call, and that I didn’t tell you what was going on. Thanks for this, I needed a kick up the ass ya know, thank you” He smiled, still squeezing the life out of his kid brother.

“G-g-gerr-r-d!” Mikey gasped for air after being embraced in such a strong hug. Gerard dropped his arms from around Mikey and ran to get his spare inhaler. He handed it to Mikes who took a few strong puffs.

“Ahh, thanks Gee, and anytime bro, you know id do anything for you” Mikey smiled, now recovered from that sudden outbreak of asthma. Gerard then pulled his brother down onto the couch, pressed play on the vcr and an old horror movie began to play throughout the small apartment.

“Geeeeeeeeeee, can I use your pc for a bit purleasee? Mines all broken” Mikey asked, batting his long eyelashes to try and win Gerard over. Little did Gerard know his brothers internet wasn’t broken, and he didn’t need to use the internet for himself, he was going to talk to Frank