But Baby, Let's Sing Lullabies


Mikeys POV:

I walked slowly over to Gerards pc, I wasnt sure what I was about to do was a good thing, but I knew one thing; I needed to get Frank and my brother back together. They had now been apart over a month, the longest they had both gone without talking to each other. Mikey sat himself down at the table and pressed the desired buttons to get the swish, hi tech computer to work. Once logged on to the internet, he opened up Gerards Aim.

"Fuck" exclaimed Mikey, as he tried to sign into Aim, realising that his brother had created a password in order to get on. Think Mikey think, what would he have as a password. He sat there a tried many different passwords such as Frankie, oh sugar and I love frank Iero He then figured that if it was anything to do with Frank, Gerard would have changed it. Just as Mikey was about to give up, one word popped into his head.


And it worked. Within seconds, he had gained access into his brothers instant messaging. He glanced over his shoulder quickly, his eyes coming into contact with Gerard, laying on the couch watching cartoons now. Once he realised the coast was clear, he opened up the programme that was going to change his brothers life for the second time, he looked onto the online contacts, and saw Frank. Within one click he had a conversation open and ready to go.

Gerard Says:
Frank, you there?

After a few minutes, Frank replied.

Frank Says:
Hi. Look I dont want to argue, so please if thats what youve come on for, you may as well sign out now okay.

Mikey sighed. He needed to pull this off fast, he needed to get Frank to believe that Gerard was sorry, then arrange a place for Frank and his brother to meet. It was the only way he was going to get Gerard anywhere near Frank.

Gerard Says:
I dont want to fight, I want to say sorry, thats all.

Frank Says:
Well youve taken your time about that havent you, finally realised that you were wrong, a pig, ashamed of us?

Gerard Says:
Yeah I have, I want to say sorry, I love you and was wrong to pretend for a second that we had met some place else, I guess I was ashamed of where we met, not you.

Frank Says:

Mikey shuffled in his chair, looking back at Gerard whom was not sleeping. He knew he shouldnt be doing this, but that tiny voice that was telling him what he was doing was wrong, was now long gone.

Gerard Says:
Okay? thats all your going to say to me?

Frank Says:

Gerard Says:
Look I cant change what happened, but I want us to be back to the way we were, I was us to be happy together again.

Frank Says:
Yeah me too gee.

Gerard Says:
Come meet me?

Frank Says:

Gerard Says:
Under the Jersey bridge, 8pm tonight?

Mikey typed the destination knowing it was his brothers favourite place to visit at night, particularly with a loved one in tow. He was going to tell Gerard that they were going to the cinema to watch a new horror film. He would then drive to the Jersey bridge, where Frank would be waiting for him.

Frank Says:
Deal. Be there x

With that, Frank signed off. After checking his own email, Mikey turned the pc off and returned to the couch.

"Hey Gee, want to go catch a film tonight?" he whispered, waking his brother up from his light slumber.

"M-hm, that would be great Mikes. Thanks for everything ya know, I really do love you dude" Gerard stated, bringing his younger sibling into a hug.

"Anytime Gee, anytime" Mikey smirked, knowing what he was getting Gerard into. He knew that he shouldnt have done what he had, but he knew the results were going to be good.

I know your right, I dont want to fight.