But Baby, Let's Sing Lullabies


It was 7.55, me and Mikey were in his car driving to the theatre to watch that new horror movie out. I couldn’t wait, it had been so long since my brother and I had spent time together. As 8 o clock was nearing, we approached the Jersey Bridge. I began to get a little confused at this point, this wasn’t the way to the movie complex, something was going on.

“Mikes, why are we going this way? This is the complete opposite!” asked Gerard, getting increasingly worried.

“Erm, were taking a shortcut?” Mikey replied, knowing Gee had caught on too quick.

“Don’t try to lie to me, we both know too well you cant do that very well!” he replied quickly with a smirk tugging at he cheeks.

“Were just going on a little detour on the way to watch the movie okay! No biggie Gee!”.

I turned to corner, the car shooting down the side road that lead to the path you walked down to get to the bridge. I pulled up at the curb and the engine came to a halt. I took my seatbelt off and stared at my older brother, whom of which was now staring at me with a pissed off look plastered on his pale face. I leant over and unbuckled Gerard’s seatbelt then opened his door for him. I sat back over in my seat and looked at him contently once again.

“Get out” I said, hoping that he would follow the instructions first time.

“Why? This isn’t the movie theatre Mikes” Gerard stated.

“I know, I told you the wrong times, I thought the film started at 8, but really its 8.30, so I figured we had time for a walk?” Mikey replied hopeful.

“I don’t know, I only agreed to come out cause I was going to be in the dark, I cant deal with this Mikes” he stated, a glint of hurt filling his eyes.

“Come on Gee Gee! We always used to do this as kids, it was fun! We can even have races! See who gets to the end of the bridge first!” Mikey Pleaded.

“Mikes we aren’t kids anymore, plus we both smoke, I doubt ill be able to run very far” Gerard sighed and looked down at his hands, which were fumbling with a loose strand of cotton hanging from his jacket. He knew he was making up excuses now, but he also knew Mikey wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

At that point Mikey jumped from the car, slammed to door and ran around to his brothers side of the car, grabbing his arm and tugging him from the seat. Gerard landed on the ground with a thump. He then began to rub his backside, that was defiantly going to bruise tomorrow. Gerard looked up at his smaller brother in disbelief, the fact that he had just tugged someone double his size and weight from a car, baffled him.

“Mikes, how the hell did you do that? Your tiny!” Gerard muttered, still quite shocked. Mikey stood there grinning, triumphantly.

“I eat my weetabixs Gee!” he giggled. Gerard rolled his eyes and held his hands out towards his brother, signalling that he needed help to stand up. After helping his brother up and giving him time to brush himself down, he grabbed Gerard’s arm and dragged him to his destination.Frank

Mikey kept a firm grip of the others arm, just encase he saw Frank and tried to run off, which he was almost certainly going to do. They walked for around 5 minutes until they had come to the end of the bridge. The younger sibling stopped, causing Gerard to fall into him abruptly. He scanned his eyes over the small person waiting at the railings in the black parka jacket. It was Frank. To his amazement Gerard was stilling playing dumb. He hadn’t noticed that Frank was standing right in front of them; he was too busy looking around and admiring the views. They began to walk forward so they were nearer to Frank, Gee, still unaware of his presence.

“Hey Mikes, you’ll have to bring me up here again, so I cant draw it all. Its beautiful” Gerard trailed off, still in awe. He hadn’t realised that Mikey was no longer there, and that Frank had taken his brothers place.

“Beautiful, like you” was all that Gerard heard. His head shot up, his brain registering that very familiar voice as it rang through his ear drums. Gerard looked up and saw the one person he loved, felt guilty towards and hated, Frank Iero. He turned on his heels and tried to run, but that soft hand and that firm grip he loved so much held him back. He knew that he was going to have to explain himself, and the knew that Mikey had set him up somehow.

“Why am I here?” Gerard questioned through gritted teeth.

“You should know, you’re the one that asked me here Gerard” Frank replied, just as bitter.

“I didn’t ask you here, I was on my way to see a movie, when Mikey…”

“Mikey” they both chorused at the same time, both feeling as stupid as one another.

“Well I suppose were both here, we may as well talk about things” Gerard whispered.

“Things? Things, you mean US Gerard, us” Frank began to shout, his voice then trailing off and becoming timid.

“Yeah, us. That’s if there’s still an Us” Gerard stated, looking down at his feet, feeling guilt rush over his heart.