But Baby, Let's Sing Lullabies


Gerard’s pov…

It was around 12 and Gerard was getting tired; he had been searching the net for hours now.

He still hadn’t found anybody he liked on the dating site.. the hotguys were all straight

“Come on! God damn straight hot guys” screamed Gerard as he crumpled his hands into fists.
You see, Gerard was sick and tired of being this lonely, he needed that special someone to complete his life, to fill that gaping wound that he called a heart, to keep him warm in bed at night.

Just then , Gerard’s eyes widened… he had found somebody. He quickly scrolled down onto the profiles picture… stunning. Electricity sparked throughout his body at the sight of the pansy.

“Fucking beautiful” is all that Gerard managed to push from his vocal chords, fucking beautiful It took Gerard quite some time to even think about messaging Frank

Male seeking male
Interests include playing guitar, going to gigs, misfits and Halloween! :-D
Apply now.

He was amazing. Frank had deep hazel eyes, luscious dark hair that fell just over his eyes, lips that could take your breath away, quite literally. Gerard was speechless. He knew that Frank could be the one. This was it, he had to message him. This could be his only chance.

“Come on you wuss, press the fucking button! Its not all that hard, come on! Great, talking to myself, should add that to my profile, sure ill get some interest ” he said with a slightly sarcastic tone to his raspy voice. He slowly wavered the curser over the messagebutton. Finally, in on smooth sharp move, he messaged Frank…

Erm hi, I’m Gerard, saw your personal add thing. You seem cool, were into pretty much the same thing, was wondering if you’d like to maybe chat sometime. Speak soon hopefully Gerard x.

“Done” sighed Gerard, relieved that he had finally gotten over the fear of messaging a completer and utter stranger, never the less…

Theperfect stranger.