But Baby, Let's Sing Lullabies


Franks pov:

The faint sound of a Frank’s mobile echoed throughout his apartment. He had slept in again <

As Frank slipped in and out of slumber, reaching for the mobile that was now ringing even louder, he flipped it open and groggily answered.

“hmm yellow?” he managed to conjure up in a croaky morning voice.

“Where the fuck are you morning glory! You were meant to be over mine at 10, its fucking 12 o clock frank!” Ray screamed at the younger guy still very much asleep!

“errrg I’m sleepy Ray ray! I don’t wanna mooveee! ”

“Frank Anthony Iero, get your but to my house NOW! ”

“But, but I’m so sleepy!”

“ I don’t care how sleepy you are, its your fault. You shouldn’t have been up till silly o clock talking to lover boy that you haven’t even met! ”

“Finnne fine! Ill be round soonish!”

“fucking hurry up Iero!”

// A few hours later:

Frank, Ray and Bob were all sitting around the plasma T.V screen, watching the usual low budget bloody gruesome horror movie, when Frank’s mobile started to buzz. A text message.

“Is that lover boy Frankie? Cause you never get messages!” Ray giggled, waiting eagerly to receive info on who had just messaged Frankie!

Frank flipped his mobile out, and read the message…

Cant wait to talk to you sugar, I’m missing you and I’m really turned on, I wish you could help me out

“so, who was it frank? Tell us! ”

“It, was, er…” frank tried to push out, but it was getting increasingly difficult as he felt his pants tighten, trying to hide is bulge with a cushion…he was aroused.

“It, oh god I‘m sorry guys, I’ve gotta go, ill erm speak soon yeah?”

Bob and Ray both moaned together…

“That’s all you ever do anymore, run home to your pc as soon as we start spending time with us, we miss you Frank!” whimpered Ray, now getting all emotional, quivering lip… All fake of course!

Frank mutter his apology and ran from Rays apartment and to his car, once home he ran to his computer desk and switched it on…

“I knew you would come running” Gerard typed furiously “You cant resist me!”

Frank gulped, he knew it was true.

Slowly but surely Frank was falling for Gerard…a complete stranger that he hadn’t even met…