But Baby, Let's Sing Lullabies


“That’s $20 then please” the cashier said as he rang up the web cam Frank handed the guy at the checkout the cash, then literally ran from the store. Gee was waiting for him…

As frank scrambled to get his door keys out, excitement and anticipation was building up inside the small build man. It had been a few weeks since Gee had text frank that time, the time when frank had a little problem and had to run from Rays back home. Gerard had now persuaded Frank to run and buy a webcam, he wanted to see the younger participant almost face to face. Gerard knew that things could , and were about to get interesting with the webcam.

“Plug it in sugar, I cant wait much longer…”

“Im trying Gee, im not too good at things like this!”

“ooh really, is that so. I bet you make up for it in other departments! :-D ”

At that point frank blushed. He hadn’t quite gotten used to the attention and compliments that he was receiving from Gerard, it was almost too good to be true.

“Hey, don’t be scared baby, its only me!”

“But, but Gerard! Ahh okay, now or never right!”

At that point, Frank bent down to the USB plug and pushed the connecting lead in, he set the cam stand up and positioned himself so he would be in the centre focus of the camera. With one deep breath, he pressed the ‘power’ button. That was it, no going back now, Gerard was going to see the real Frank.

“Oh god, what if he hates me, I mean I’m no pretty picture” frank Muttered to himself

“Well hello sugar! What a pretty picture!” appeared on the screen, coming from Gee

“Erm thanks! Put yours on too, I’m nervous, please?”

“Of course, I though you‘d never ask! ”

With the press on a button, Gerard’s camera was switched on, and Frank could now see is pale, perfectly sculptured face on his screen. Beautiful.

“You, look, amazing” frank sighed in disbelief. It felt like a dream, he felt like he shouldn’t be talking to Gerard like this, he felt like he didn’t deserve such a fine work of art.

“You too sugar, you too. Ya know, it feels so strange. One minute I was sitting alone at home, browsing through lousy internet dating sites, when I came across you. you’ve made this all worth while.”

“I don’t know what to say, I feel the same. I used to wake up in the morning, go on the net browsing, go to work, come home and do the same. It felt like it was going to be a never ending cycle, but then I found you.”

Frank and Gerard sat there for hours, getting to know each other is more detail, quite literally. Gerard was still on web camera to Frank, when he ' forgot' and started to get changed into his spider man pj’s! Frank was sat there, waiting as Gee had told him to stay put, and that he would be right back. Frank sat back, reflecting on what had just happened, tracing all the things that had been said.

Frank came out of his day dream all of a sudden, to look onto the cam and see, a very naked Gerard; he was getting changed into his nightwear, but had forgotten to turn off the camera. Frank froze. He gazed upon Gerard’s body in awe. It had been quite some time since he had seen anybody in such a way, let alone experienced it up-close. At that point, Gerard messaged Frank, who was still sitting there shocked.

“ What’s up sugar, you look live you seen a ghost or something, you okay?”

“Oh , yeah I‘m okay, I just er, well you left your cam on, when you were getting changed ”

“Oh fuck. I’m sorry, I always seem to forget its on still! You didn’t see much did you?”

“I saw everything, I’m sorry, my fault, I should have looked away! ”

“No, no its okay, like what you see?”

Frank gulped. Did he like what he had just seen, the perfect, pale, toned body of a guy that he had never even met face to face, but was slowly falling for

“I, er, yeah” frank admitted.

“Good good sugar, now its your turn"

Frank hesitated for a moment, he had just been asked by a complete stranger, to get his kit off, on the internet?!!

“Here goes nothing” Frank muttered as he slowly moved his hands to his shirt buttons…

Tell me I’m a bad man, kick me like a stray