But Baby, Let's Sing Lullabies


A month later :

It was now midnight, Frank was sitting at his desk tapping his pen onto the wooden surface. He was growing highly impatient sitting there staring at the blank computer screen. Gerard was gone.

Gerard hadn’t signed onto the internet since that night they had both stripped on web cam for each other. Frank had waited up countless nights, hoping for Gee to sign in. It had even gotten to the point where he would take a day off of work, to wait in, to wait at the computer, to see if Gee would make an appearance. The love sick younger man had even resorted to phoning, txting and leaving answering machine messages…

no answer

So block my name and block me out of your thoughts, but baby I’m the only thing for you that’s left…

Frank hadn’t been to work, for a few days now, and was becoming a hermit. He needed to get out of the house, so he resorted into calling Ray.

“Ray Ray, I‘m sad, cheer me upppp!” squealed Frank down the phone

“Errrg do I have to? ”

“YESSS! Now get your self over to mine, were going shopping!!”

“gowd Frank, you are such a pansy sometimes! I mean shopping! It should be strip clubs, and gambling, and drinking, but NO! shopping!”

“Aw Ray… I don’t care! Get .. Over .. Here.. NOW! ”

“okay okay, see yah soon pansy boy!”

Frank and Ray had now been wondering around the mall for around an hour, wondering into many different shops. Frank knew that shopping was a great idea, shopping was the only thing that could take his mind off of his problems… Gee .

“Hey Frank, what happened to lover boy?”

Frank tried to explain on the spot, but couldn’t, he then resorted into one word answers…


“But you must know!”




At this point, Frank was upset; Gee hadn’t phoned, messaged, nothing to say where he was, or why he hadn’t spoken to Frank in so long. He was angry, for believing that someone so beautiful would actually like him. So what’s the rational thing to do in Franks life … Scream.


At that point, Frank had lost all sense of direction and where he was going, causing him not to look where he was going, he ran into Starbucks when he felt something hard hit him, he had walked into somebody; coffee all over the floor.

“I‘m sorry” Frank muttered. He then glanced upwards, to see who the hell he had just bumped into. His eyes glazed upon the person in awe, horror, passion…


“Why hello sugar! Looking pretty today!”

Frank could feel the anger burning up inside of him, how dare he, how dare he after ignoring him for all that time! Frank made the decision quickly ,and turned on his heels and began to walk away, only to be grabbed by Ray and Gee.

“Oh no you don’t, get beck here now!” screamed Ray

“Yeah sugar, I wana speak!”

“YOU WANT TO SPEAK! Want to SPEAK! Is that why you’ve ignored me for a month, a WHOLE MONTH!”

“I‘m so sorry Frank, but I‘ve had so many things on, really.”

“Oh really, to much to quickly log on and say HI FRANK! BYE FRANK! That’s all I wanted ya know, just a quick text, or a phone call, emial, anything!”

“I‘ve said I’m sorry”

“Aw come on Frank, forgive him! Look at the powty face!”

“Okay, so Gerard, why did you ignore me, REAL reason this time, no bullshit!” Frank spat into Gee’s face with anger. He was hurt, very hurt, ya see Frank had fallen for Gerard, hard and fast

“I was busy Frank I told you, I really wanted to come speak to you, especially after our little scene!” Gerard muttered with a smirk plastered across his face.

Before Frank could even comment on what Gerard had just said, the Question he had been asking himself, and had just asked Gerard so many times, was answered. A man, just a little taller than Frank, walked up behind Gerard and wrapped his arms around Gee…

“No fucking way, no fucking way…” Frank screamed at Gerard, who by now was looking worried, like he had just been caught out

“Frank, its not what it looks like, It really isn’t” Gerard shouted, trying to grab Franks attention, whom was now running away from the shop.

“Its exactly what it looks like, EXACTLY ” Frank screamed, tears now rolling down his face. He hadn’t realised that he had fallen so far for Gerard, that complete stranger. “I was just a bit on the side wasn’t I, you never meant any of that stuff you said, NEVER”

“Frank! Frank! Come back!” Gee yelled, but it was no use, the damage had been done, and Frank was officially heartbroken

“Well done loverboy" Ray delivered to Gerard.

“Well fucking done”