But Baby, Let's Sing Lullabies


“Go away Gerard, I don’t want to listen to what you have to say” Frank screamed towards his front door.

“Frank baby please listen to me, you’ve got it all wrong, I swear”

“Get away from me, get away from my house and get out of my life! How the fuck did you find my apartment anyways?”

“Your friend, the one with the fro, he listened to me Frank, and he knew it was a misunderstanding, so he told me the address”

“That’s it, I‘m gonna kill him!”

“Frank just please open up, just give me a chance to explain myself, please baby”. Gerard was starting to get a little upset, he knew this was Frank jumping to conclusions, only he knew the truth, and he wanted to tell Frank just how wrong he had got things. Gerard had now started to bang on the door, lightly at first but then growing in force. His fists were starting to hurt, throbbing with pain; he didn’t care, he needed to tell Frank how he really felt.

“Will you stop harassing me and my door, we both have feelings and you clearly stated that you didn’t care about mine when we saw you in the coffee shop with that, that THING!”

“ARG Frank! That THING wasn’t my boyfriend, partner OR lover”

“Then who the fuck was it huh! Come on Gee, I cant wait to hear this one! ”


Everything fell silent. Frank was lost for words and kidnapped by thoughts spinning in his mind. Gerard was now slumped against the outside of the front door, tears streaming involuntary down his face, from his tear ducts. He hadn’t realised in that month and a bit, how far he had fallen for Frank. Gerard picked the pieces of himself up from the ground, and was about to walk away, when he heard Franks door open slowly. He quickly turned around, to see Frank, it about the same state.

“B r brother? Honestly?”

“Yeah, my brother Mikey. Were real close, he was just messing around!”

“I, I‘m so sorry”

“No time for apologies, come here sugar…”

Frank rammed himself into Gerard’s arms. Both their grips tightened around each other, realising just how much one another meant. Frank nuzzled his head in the crook of Gerard’s warm neck, sniffling. Bliss

“I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions, it was kinda hard not to though. ”

“I know, I could of killed mikes for doing that! He says his sorry!”

At that point, Frank was sick of the small talk; he needed Gerard closer. Frank wrapped his arms around Gee’s neck and pulled him down, their lips crashing together. At first the kiss was slow and sweet; just what they needed. Within seconds, sparks began to fly. Gerard felt Frank’s tongue brush against his salty lips from where he had been crying. Gerard wasn’t going to turn him down anytime soon, so he opened his mouth a little wider, allowing the younger man to explore his mouth. Soon, after using every last bit of oxygen they had left in their lungs, came up for air.


“God I hate Mikey even more now, if that’s what I‘ve been missing!”

Frank looked down, slightly embarrassed. He hadn’t been this close to anyone for a very long time, and knew that he would have a few problems accepting it, even if he loved Gee. He rested his head on Gerard’s Shoulder once again, as he did he noticed that he had soaked the his t-shirt with his tears, and sniffles from his nose.

“I’m sorry, I ruined your t-shirt” frank whispered.

“Sugar, like I care about you sniffling on my shirt! ”

“Okay, but I really we should get that off you, I mean standing out here, you’ll catch something! How about, we go into mine, you can take that off, and ill get you another from my room yeah? ” Frank said, now smirking, impure thoughts whirling around his mind.

“I think that’s a great idea babe, lets not waste any time”

With that, Frank grabbed Gerard’s hand, laced their fingers together and dragged him into his bedroom.