But Baby, Let's Sing Lullabies


“Last night was really something!” Frank whispered. Gerard had slept over fir the first time, after they made up.

“Babe, we didn’t even do anything!” Gerard giggled.

“I know, that’s why < it was sooooo amazing!”

“Aw! Well I‘ll tell you something sugar, your really something!”

Gerard snuggled into Frank from behind, trailing sweet and innocent butterfly kisses all the way down from his neck to his shoulder blades. Frank whimpered a soft moan as he continued to kiss around his neck; it was his soft spot.

“However nice this feels, I cant lay here all day Gee!”

“But *kiss* I *kiss* want *kiss* you *kiss* to! ”

“Ahh! Okay! You win! 10 more minutes then we are getting up and doing something constructive!”

“But baby, anything we do hear, I could make so < constructive!” Gerard purred into Franks unsuspecting ears.

At that point, Frank rolled over, and straddled the older man. He began to grind against Gee hips. This caused Gerard to whimper. Frank knew what was going to happen; he could feel Gerard on his thigh, he was aroused already! Frank continued to grind a little harder; he liked to watch Gerard moan and squirm under him, he was on an ego trip and nobody was going to stop him! He then slowly brought his hands to Gerard’s zipper, slowly he undid the button, then whipped Gee’s pants and boxers down. As Gerard lay naked and vulnerable, the younger man began to kiss his hipbones, nibbling and licking. He then lowered himself down to Gerard’s excited member, and began to suck.

“Ahhhh” is all Gerard could conjure up as Frank manipulated his nerves, sucking even harder, knowing just where to nibble and just where to lick.

“Fuck me, ahh Frank, harder, now!”

“Your wish is my command” Frank mumbled, still pleasuring Gerard.

“Agh, I‘m close, so close” Gerard panted, moaning as he pushed out his arms, looking for anything to grab hold of. His whole world was spinning, and it was all because of this one person. With a few more frantic moves from Franks tongue Gerard came into his mouth. After cleaning everything up, he moved his head back to Gerard’s level. He was panting, eyes closed still. Frank grinned from ear to ear. He had never gotten such a good reaction, he had always thought he was crap; it looked like things were changing.

“Where did you learn to do that so good” Gee panted, still spinning.

“Erm, I don’t know, Ive never gotten that reaction before, I always thought I was lame”

“Lame! LAME! I swear I just saw stars!”

“Okayy! Right, come on, go get cleaned up, then me and you, are going to do something!”

“Ohh! Cant wait!”

With that, Gerard went and showered while Frank made breakfast. He was grinning like a cheesier cat! He plugged the radio on, and started prancing around to the lame music that was blasting out from the tinny speakers. He was way to consumed in dancing that he didn’t notice Gerard come up behind him!

“Why hello sugar! Somebody‘s happy! Been getting some lurrrvin? ”

“Well not exactly, ya see I met this really hot guy on this internet dating site, lets just say I really want him right now”

At this point Frank moved forward towards Gerard, lips inches apart. He could feel Gee’s hot raspy breathe on his lips. “ I really miss him” frank whispered seductively, “I miss his touch” frank continued, moving a hand down to Gerard’s pants, rubbing softly, “And I really miss his lips, and hips on mine ”. With that Gerard backed Frank into the wall, kissing him roughly, hips slamming together. A few minutes later, Frank pulled back.

“Come on, were going out! ”

“But, but you cant just leave me like this” Gerard protested, pointing down to yet another bulge in his pants.

“Oh, yes I really can! You just need to learn to control yourself, look at me, god am I turned on, but I control myself” frank triumphed.

“Whatever! Come on, lets go! I want coffeeeeeeee! ” squealed Gerard. The though of coffee sent him loopy!

“okay! Then we can go watch a movie right? Then have snuggles in the back row?”

“You bet sugar, you bet! ”