Status: Following this random idea.....

They Say I'm Nuisance

Virtue- her name since birth, meaning warrior. She was always strong, always tough and there when she was needed. But people didn't need her. Didn't want her and though she was better off dead. Soon, Virtue got the same thought.

The previous year, her brother Alvar- also translating to warrior- had killed himself, leaving a note for his sister under her bedroom pillow. It read:

My beloved Virtue,
Mom named us as warriors for a reason, because she in a way knew we would need a warriors strength when she died. She was a strong women herself, and I can only dream of what our lives would have been if the accident hadn't happened. But, as dad grows agressive and dangerous I realized, I still miss her.

Deeply, I miss her sis. And that is why I have made a hard decition- by the time you find this it will have been finished. I'm sorry I had to kill myself Vir, but my mind and spirit were ready to back with mom and away from father. I wish to see you some day again in heaven- or where every I land.

With Love,

As Warriors we fight as one, brother to sister, sword to sword

The little saying at the end was their mark, they signed that at the end of anything to each other- since they were both 'warriors'.

Virtue is being taunted and made fun of more often as the year goes and she is doubting. People are blaming her and harming her- mentally and physically in to many ways.

She's afew insults from joining her mother an Alvar.
  1. General Nuisance
    Changed back to the original ending. :/
  2. *** it all