Status: working on it

Here I Come, so You Better Be Prepared!

How Do You Like Me Now?

I looked over at my watch, 3:30 am already and I'm beat. Those suckers aren’t even here yet! I told my mother they could afford to get their own cab, but nooooo, I had to come and pick THEM up, and I never even liked them. Well maybe Bill, he was like the older sister I never had. But Tom, Tom was the one that got on my nerves. Always the jerk, or always the asshole, there was no other way with him. Ever since we were kids, he was always the one to get under my skin, not in a sexual way, but more like god-made-me-to-piss-you-off way. So annoying, and he thought he was such a hot shot. It’s been like what? 5 years since I have seen them?

Here’s the story, Tom and Bill Kaulitz (yep the ones from the oh so infamous Tokio Hotel wanabe rock band) were my neighbors for as long as I could remember, until we had to move to America that is. When I was a baby my mom always dropped me of at their place to be baby sat, she worked late shifts, and I had no siblings. My father…well we don’t really talk about him much, mainly because he’s dead. It’s old news and i'm over it, it's been 2 years since that incident, and now i'm over it….at least I’d like to think that.

I'm 18 years of age now, not that old but whatever. But to Tom that made all the difference, him being 3 years my senior made him my boss in his mind… ugh, what a jerk. I guess i'm still bitter about when he force fed me mud. I had to throw away my favorite 'My Little Pony' tooth brush because of him.

Ever since they got famous, I’ve been seeing less of them, and my dad dying was the last straw for my mom, we couldn’t afford the house in Germany anymore. She got a job offer here, in NYC, the big apple, so we had to take it. They made their first debut when I was 12, and had to practice everyday since then. I didn’t really care I just missed the advice Bill would give me, about life or hair or make up… he was just an easygoing guy and I loved him for that, unlike…

“Well, well isn’t that Millennium all grown up!” I spun around hearing the thick German accent that dropped my name. This led me to come face to face with Bill. I quickly hugged him, man I really did miss this man!

“Hmm…still looks like 12 to me.”…Now I knew exactly where that stupid comment came from. Tom. Okay, I admit am not exactly tall, but am not short either, and if this little mofo is trying to refer to my boobs, I will personally knock him out cold.

“You know, I think the plane is still here, you should hop back on it and go back to Germany. Really, nobody wants you here.” I smiled sweetly at Tom while I said it. But his reaction wasn’t what I was hoping for; I really wanted to wipe that stupid, smug smile off his face.
“Ooh touchy, I like that in a woman.” This dumb son of a…

“Now now you guys, let us play nice. Also i'm tired, so it would be great if we could just go home.” Bill pleaded this while looking at me with puppy eyes. Jeez, he is too cute for his own good.

I was really happy no one recognized them, I was also shocked at the same time. Until I realized the main reason no one approached was because of that brick of wall questioning anyone who came near us. Apparently his name is Aksel, and he is their body guard. I understand why they would need one, with the screaming tsunami waves of teenage girls pouring in.

One girl, somehow beyond my imagination, was able to escape from Aksel and tackle Tom. I admit that was funny to watch, a big Mr. Thugnificent like him being knocked over by a little girl. Now that is some funny shit. To my surprise Tom just laid on the floor and grabbed her ass, he whispered something in her ear, then she turned bright red.

“You guys mind if me and her have some private time in the bathroom.”…I should have known he was a sleazeball.

“You can go right ahead, but you can also find your own ride home. Me and Bill are going, NOW.” Then I grabbed Bill’s hand and marched to the door. Tom came running behind us; I could hear him cussing under his breath. Whatever, like I was giving a rats ass about what he does, or how he feels, maybe his new girlfriend could give him a ride.

We finally all got into my BMW 2009 edition, yeah i'm proud, I worked hard for this baby. Tom whistled as he got in.

“This, this is yours?” he pondered aloud.

“Yep, my baby, my joy.” he laughed at that.

“Good job, I bet your ma paid for this one.”

Who the hell do you think you are? I though in my head…I really wanted to teach this bastard a lesson. I guess my emotion was all over my face since Bill said:

“Actually mama told me Milli has been working hard at her job. Even taking overtime to pay for her own things.”….aweeeeh wasn’t he just a sweetheart? If only he looked more like a man.

I eased out of the parking lot driving home. We finally got there in 20 minutes, Aksel helped take their bags inside. I was so tired so I quickly showed them around the house.

“Make yourselves at home.” I mustered running upstairs to my room and taking a long warm shower. By the time I got out, it was pitch black, so I assumed everyone was asleep. I went into my closet with only a towel around my body looking for some undies and a p.j to wear. Usually I slept half naked since there wasn’t anyone besides me and my mom. But she took a late shift today, so she was coming in at 5 in the morning. Suddenly I heard my door creak open and Tom walks in.

I screamed and threw my underwear at him “WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? GET OUT!”

He grabbed my undies and did that stupid smug smile of his, “Ooh power ranger undies? You’re just so attractive.” Then he busted out laughing. He slowly walked closer to me and closed my door with his foot. I was nervous; my ass was butt naked and all I had was a towel wrapped around me.

“You know, you’re not too shabby, and since you cost me the girl at the airport don’t you think you should make up for it?” that’s when he touched my damp hair and leaned in dangerously close to me. I was dead, silent, I mean I have never been in this situation before… what do you do? And why the heck was my heart pounding for this jerk? It was probably because I was naked….yeah that was it…

Next thing I knew he threw me on top of the bed, I was shrieking. Wasn’t anyone in this house? Where was Bill when you needed him? Better yet….AKSEL!
“Hope you’re ready for this princess.” Tom said with a deep seductive voice…. That’s when I closed my eyes shut.
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yeah, well...this is my first legit legit story...
haha hope you guys enjoy it!

I LOVE TOM! haha