Status: working on it

Here I Come, so You Better Be Prepared!

it's a deal

I backed away as soon as his lips came near mine.

“No” I said quickly.

“why not?” was this jerk serious? As if am going to believe him, I can say that and look like am serious.

“cause I don’t believe you” I said monotone.

“why I just spilled my feelings to you! That’s why I don’t tell people how I feel, cause they just shut you down… it’s easier being a player” ok. That got me.

“but… I cant just believe because you ARE a player, you know?” I sound really dumb… please god be merciful!

“DUDE! Seriously?!” he looked pissed. Uh oh.

“what? Like… am suppose to believe the biggest player on earth likes me” my heart was beating so fast I could swear it was on adrenaline.

“YES!” he yelled exasperated.

“but I don’t have the amount of boob you like” he shook his head and throw it onto his hands.

“you have got to be kidding me. So what if I like a lot of boob? Your ass makes up for it, okay? It’s like you have a black girl’s booty. And it’s not always about appearance okay? Sometimes I can actually LIKE someone. Am not an insensitive jerk” he finally gave a long sigh and looked at me.

“uhhhh….huh” I nodded understandability… then an flickering light popped into my head. What if this is his plan to win the bet. I aint stupid fool!

“this is part of your plan!” I pointed at him. I swear I felt like Sherlock Holmes I need a pipe.
“wait, what?!” he looked really confused.

“you want to win the bet!” I kept going.

“you’re psycho! I just told you I liked you!” he practically yelled.

“yeah, so? I tell my momma I love her everyday. No biggie.” I can see he is about to punch me in the face, I bet he’s mad I figured out his plan.

“but you mean it when you say it. same here” he said slowly, like he was talking to someone mentally slow. I am not stupid.

“a guy can fake feelings” I whispered.

“not all” he said softly.

“yeah but you are one of them. How else do you get them in bed?” I wanted to break down and cry, but I couldn’t let that happen. Not today, not now.

“those girls only like me for my body, and my face. Nothing else. They don’t care about my personality. My likes. My dislikes. To them it’s appealing, me being a rock star. Every girl’s dream is to fuck me. And hey am a guy if you’re willing to give it up that easily, I’ll take it. but you, you’re something else.”

He caressed my face as he said that last line, and I was so ready to melt. But this shit happened with Eric. Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice and I’mma beat yo ass. He was going to prove it if he wanted me.

“prove it” I dared him.

“huh” he looked super dumbfounded.

“prove it to me. How much you like me. Prove it.” I was so scared he was just going to give up and think am not worth it. my heart was at the edge of some unknown cliff, and one little wind could be its doom.

“how? Just tell me what you want, what do you want me to do? How you want me to do it, and I’ll prove you am in-like with you” in like? Wow, he’s lucky he’s pretty. Because am pretty sure his brains will get him nowhere in life.

“1 month. For like a whole month show me how much you like me. Don’t fuck around with other girls. Show me you’re one 100% committed and you won’t cheat on me as soon as bitch shows you her buns”

he busted out laughing even though I was in all seriousness.

“I gotchu” he said then cupped my face in his hands and gave me one big ass, full of passion kiss. I swear if I didn’t know better I’d say we had mouth sex… it was THAT good.
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am EXTREMELY sooooorrry it took me FOREVER to do this...
BUT i had extreme writer's block... and because of it i wanted to end the story quickly
but my best friend said she'll shank i took time in order to think of something...
i know it's not great BUT it's something!
plus if you guys would give me ideas things would go a lot more smoother :P lol jk
sooo yeah... enjoy :)