Status: working on it

Here I Come, so You Better Be Prepared!

What Now BITCH!?

FUCK, FUCKITY FUCK, FUCK! FUCK SHIT! Ooooh my damn…i'm going to jail… Imma go to jail. I have no future! No college for me! Oh hell I won’t even be allowed to flip burgers! I'm FUCKING SCREWED! That was all that was going through my mind… I’m in deep shit… it’s his fault. I spun around to glare at Tom, this butt-wipe! If it weren’t for his lousy pool skills I’d still be in there safe and sound with no police! Tom looked back at me.

“Let’s walk out as if nothing happened.” this dumbass…really? Walk out as if nothing happened? Does he think they won’t suspect us because we look fucking innocent? We have a big ass mofo that looks like he’s ready to kill, a grown man dressed in leather, could go as a drag queen, and Mr. Thugnificent. Yeah we totally gave off the innocent vibe…dumbass. Everyone followed his lead anyway. As soon as we stepped out a cop approached us.

“May I- OH my goodness! You’re Millennium! My daughter buys all of Seventeen magazine just to match your style! Can I have your autograph!?” Huh? I bet I had a confused look going on, cause I was. Here I was standing with a police man asking for my signature… I wasn’t even famous! Ah well…maybe we can use this to our advantage. I signed his coffee cup and smiled at him.

“Uh…I guess we’ll take our leave now…” I quickly walked over to my car before anything else happened. But why, oh why did I think everything was going to go smoothly? A fountain of screaming fans ran over to where Tom and Bill were… I was thinking of just leaving them, but all of a sudden Kanye’s song was playing in my car…'how could you be so heartless'? AH SHIT. I rushed over to their side and pulled Tom while Aksel carried Bill and we ran to my car, quickly getting in as the girls literally threw themselves at it.

“Man, couldn’t we at least snatch one of them for me?” jksbhdsnam this MOFO! I turned to look at him while I was driving, dangerous move, I know but I was seriously pissed!

“WE COULD HAVE WENT TO JAIL!” I bellowed at him. “Now shut the hell up and let me drive in peace or I swear Tom I will throw your ass out of this car.”

“… I wouldn’t let you do that” Aksel said in a small voice, I glared at him.

“YOU can go with him too if that’s what you want.” I yelled at him coldly. We drove the rest of the way in silence, but then my stomach growled.

“Anyone up for McDonalds?” I questioned.

“HELL YEAH.” The rest of the guys yelled. I guess I felt bad for freaking out on them. We drove to McDonalds and went through the drivethrough. Each of us ordered their crap and we got on our way. But I really didn’t think that Bill would order a happy meal and say, “gotta maintain my weight.” oh jeez. As soon as we got home my mum opened the door.

“Sooo? Was it fun?”

“Yes mother.” We all rushed inside and sat at the table eating.

“Actually-“ Tom began, I leaped from my seat and tackled Tom of his chair. I was sitting on top of him as I realized what I just did.

“Haha...” I laughed nervously… “Must be the burger…” I said weakly. Then I glared at Tom and whispered, “I don’t want to hear another peep out of you Tom.”

He grinned “I guess your daughter likes being on top?” this bastard! I held my fist out when my mother blushed.

“Oh I wouldn’t know…l thought she was a virgin!” Are we really having this conversation!?

“Ma, I am! I, I just tackled Tom cause I had energy to release…nothing deeper I promise.”

“How about I help you release that energy in bed?” Tom teased, I was blushing, shit. I can’t let him know he got to me. so I quickly got up off him and sat back down in my chair. Finally all of us finished our meals. After that we all reclined on the sofa and chillaxed. I turned on the T.V it was on FOX 5 news.

"An interesting incident happened at Bo’s Arcade. Multiple celebrities were spotted there. As well as a pool fight broke out…" The news reporter went on as I saw each of our pictures flash on the screen and our names said out loud.

Bill, Tom, Aksel, and I took quick glances at each other. Oh no… I hope my mother didn’t hear that. I quickly muted it. Clearly she hadn’t and I was hoping no one we knew were watching the news either. I ducked my head low and motioned for the guys to creep in closer.

“No one is to hear of this ok?” I hissed at them. They all nodded. I looked at my watch, it was already 12:00 am and I still haven’t done my school homework...shit. I ran upstairs and changed into some sweats and a white wife beater…hmm still needed to buy p.j’s, I thought. I pulled out my homework and got started. After three hours, I was done. But I still had to read that history chapter. I groaned and grabbed the textbook and started reading…

I felt myself being picked up but I didn’t care I was too tired. Finally I woke up to find myself in my bed all tucked in…weird, I could swear I was reading that history book too… I threw the duvet off me and went to my bathroom, did what a girl had to do and marched downstairs. I looked around and it was silent, hardly anyone was awake…besides me and the weird ass birds chirping away. I looked around…what was I going to do today? I grabbed a chocolate donuts…hmm breakfast I thought to myself.

I was pouring myself some Arizona green tea when I felt hands clasp my hips. I gasped and spun around holding the Arizona as my guard.

“You scared the bejeezus out of me!” It was only Bill… God that scared me half to death. He pulled me closer to him.

“Uh…Bill? You awake? Billy BILL BILL!?” I made myself believe he was sleepwalking, he had to, why would he grab me? I let myself loose from his grip and ate my donut in silence.

“Don’t you like me?” Well this is awkward….

“I do, as a friend, I love you very much”… He looked pissed…

“Not more?” he questioned.

“Nope sorry…” I trailed off.

“Is it because of Tom?” that caught me by surprise, my eyes widened…

“N-no...” I stammered.

“Really? Why are you stuttering?” What is wrong with him?!

“No, I just don’t see you in that way, you’re more of a brother. Did I stutter there?” I replied back to him. Seriously I was scared; he had one of those 'Imma getchu' look on his face. Maybe he was tired, all that beer last night. Yep that had to be it. Suddenly he pinned me to the dining table, WTF was this mofo up to? Like really, I could so kick his puny little ass. I kicked his stomach and he let out a soft 'oof' sound and backed away.

“What is wrong with you?” I asked him.

“Nothing, am fine just leave me alone!” He shouted…leave HIM alone? Who attacked who? I stood up fixing my wife beater… and crept next to him.

“You sure you okay?” I whispered softly. Then he turned to me with a glare.

“I’ll get you, I swear I will.” he hissed at me. Drunk? Sleepwalking? Yeah probably hung over and sleepwalking. Like seriously, this was re-DONK-ulous. I plopped myself onto the sofa, and turned on the T.V. FOX 5 was still on, and the whole funky business at Bo’s arcade still hadn’t died down. I called Bo’s cell. Yeah were close like that.

Ring ring…ring ring

“Ello.” Bo’s thick voice answered. I cleared my throat.

“Uh, hey, sorry about last night.”…Shizznitt, he went all quiet.

“Nah girlie, don’t worry about it! You actually gave me more customers thank you. And got rid of Mark thank god! You know I have a lot of men asking about you.” I could hear the smile in his voice… hmm guess that’s good.

“Oh hush up, I bet a lot of girls piled up though.” I retorted.

“Haha, well you got that right, but I knew you were popular. From the first time you walked in, all eyes were on you. I knew you were gunna be big! Now you remember me when you make it national. Remember who took good care of you!” Awe he’s like a grandpa.

“No worries there sir, I got your back! Well nice talkin’ to you I gotta go!” I quickly ended the convo and shut the phone. Next thing I knew, my doorbell rang. I sprinted for it not wanting anyone to wake up. I opened it and there was my bestest friend in the whole wide world, Ashanti.

She was beautiful and black. I liked calling her the black wonder, cause she was mysterious, and had the coolest afro! She was so pretty, super tall and skinny, but still packing on both sides of the spectrum if you know what I mean. We knew each other for nearly 2 years, but it felt like we were sisters.

“HAY GIRL HAY!” she screamed and tackled me into a hug. Oh how I missed her! I hugged her back.

“Oh man it’s been a week since I’ve last seen you!” I didn’t have to invite her in that’s how close we are. She simply walked in and checked out my refrigerator. I seriously wonder how she is that skinny with everything she eats…like seriously!? Is there a God? So unfair. Bill and Tom crawled down the stairs. Tom little nasty eyes were all over Ashanti, like he was undressing her with his them. Ugh, nasty mofo.

I coughed “AH-EM this is Tom and Bill, y'all this is Ashanti. My bff.” I introduced.

“OH MY GOD! You guys are from Tokio Hotel! Wait…where’s Gustav?” She was a big Gusty fan, I can understand, he was the most normal, and nicest of the group. Tom’s eyes scanned her again.

“Nice to meet you.” He said as he offered his hand, Ashy took it and bit her lip. Oh man, that meant she found him sexy. Crap…no, no I do not care. And from the looks of it Tomi boy likes her too. Especially how those eyes were all over her…he never did that to me… am I not attractive? I shook my head, this is Tom we’re discussing, he cared only about boobs. The girl could look like a freakin' monkey, and she could be as hairy as one, but as long as her boobs satisfied, Tom would screw her. I guess I missed that aspect he liked in a girl…oh well.

Too bad. Aksel came later and I introduced the two. After an hour of sitting at the dining table and eating, I suggested we go clubbing.

“But, i'm not dressed for that!” Ashy complained, she was the kind who had to look perfect for every event, unlike me. I guess that’s why she attracted attention, she was the kind guys like, pretty, perfectionist, and prepared. The whole package deal.

“Okay help me dress, then we’ll swing by your house. Deal?” She agreed to that. So me and her ran upstairs while the guys went to get prepared.

“I have no idea…” Ashy just looked at me shaking her head.

“Your closet…it’s all comfy clothes…I guess we have to get you something from my mine.” She smirked… she knew I hated dressing up. I guess this is what I get for suggesting such a stupid thing. We went back down stairs and the guys were already ready. Wow, if only I had a peewee between my legs, everything would be soo much easier!

“Hah, you call that getting ready, you’re still in your p.js.” Tom snorted, I grabbed a coke can, when Ashanti pulled it out of my hands.

“Well Mr. Ghetto Fabulous, that’s cause she’s getting ready at my house.” Oooh did I mention I love her? So we all piled into my car and drove off to A’s house. We climbed into her house, so the boys stayed downstairs in the living room, while A took me to her room in the basement. It still amazed me that she did this to her room. Her wall paint was her own homemade collages, but they looked pro. And the rest was just awesome paintings and other artistical stuff; I wish I had the talent for.

She pulled out an outfit that was cute but I would still be comfortable in. it was dark grey jeans, pumps, a sparkly, sleeveless black shirt, and black earrings with a matching bracelet. She thought if I carried a green clutch it would be cute. I decided I’d take it but leave it in the car. I didn’t like being tied down. Then Ashy emerged with a sexy outfit. It was a tiny, backless, sparkly, black dress.She held a tiny black clutch. I bet my mouth hit the ground, she looked stunning, even though it was really short, she really did look good.

“Wow, YOU. ARE. SUCH. A .CUTIE PIE. I bet you’ll be getting all the men.” She said to me as she checked me out. I shook my head.

“Not when am standing next to tha.t” I pointed at her.

“Oh hush up, you look AH-mazing, now let me straighten your hair, and apply some mascara and eyeliner, then we can head downstairs.” She was already done with her makeup, she had the smoky look. She already knew I didn’t like much, so after my hair was straightened; I just had some lip-gloss, blush, eyeliner and a tad bit of mascara. We held each other’s hand as we walked downstairs. It was embarrassing if I do say so myself. I hated awkward moments when the people look at you and say, “Wow what a transformation." Aksel coughed. Bill licked his lips and looked us both up and down, Tom wasn’t nearly as shy, he gaped at both of us and gave us a low whistle.

“Now now boys save that for the club!” Ashanti hollered. She raced to the car and we soon followed after her. Tom grabbed my arm.

“What!?” I asked.

“Nothing. It’s just…” He looked away and coughed “youlookgood.” he said it so quickly, it took time for it sink in and then ran into the car. Haha I guess dressing up has an effect on people, no wonder Ashy does it a lot.

We finally arrived at the club, showed our ID’s and walked in. The music was amazing, Lupe Fiasco was the D.J and his beats were amazing…can’t say the same about his face though. We all went to the dance floor and started dancing like there was no tomorrow. I grinded on Aksel, Bill and even Tom without a second thought, so did Ashanti. The music just spoke to us, we were the same when we heard a beat we liked. Our minds took a back seat while our bodies took control.

It was amazing, then some random mofo wanted to dance, and I was fine as long as he didn’t try any funny business. I danced a little with him, then turned around to see Tom grabbing the ass of a fake Barbie… for some reason I was really pissed off. She slowly lifted his shirt and that’s when I lost it. I stomped over to their side and tapped the plastic.

“What tha hell!?” she had those annoying helium voices, ugh pissed me of.

"Sorry but no sex on the dance floor.” I simply stated. She looked at me with cold eyes.

“Who are you? Like, the club police or something?” God she was thick.

“Sure, why not.” I replied.

“Oh my god! Really? I find that hot in a girl, a sexy cop. How about we go to the back?” Whoa, was she bi? Ew no, no, no. no. for some reason 'I Think My Girl Is Bi' by Omarion was playing. Wow.

“No thanks, how about you go with her.” I pointed at a random direction, then realized my ex-best friend was here, grinding on MY EX!

“Oooh threesome fun!” she ran off to them. I was a little hurt I admit… he fucking cheated on me with my best friend…and now they were here…all happy. Assholes, I hope they get into a car crash. Ashy saw the same thing so she pulled me into a hug.

“Man, why did you get rid of her I could have had some pussy!” Tom whined .Is that all he thought about? Ashy was glaring at him.

“Calm your penis down, thugy.” Awe Ashy and her comebacks. Then Tom looked at me.

“What’s wrong?” His eyes were full of concern, I shook my head.

“I’m fine, it-“ I started, when I got cut of by this stupid high pitched voice that I recognized as my ex- bff’s, Garciela.

“Oh didn’t expect to find you here!” I gave her cold eyes, and so did A.

“Ooh Milli, you lookin’ fiiine, wanna dance?” Fucking Eric, I was gonna rip his head off. And he reeked of alcohol.

“No.” I replied coldly. Couldn’t they just buzz off?!

“Yeah that is a great idea, how about you take her then I’ll dance with this hunk” she touched Tom’s chest and that’s when I went crazy… I elbowed her nose.
♠ ♠ ♠
well yeah..4th chapter sorry if it is loong....
but yeah itd b cool if i got comments from you guys telling me am on the right track,
or there are stuff i can fix lool
or if you have requests like Tom's POV or something ya no?
it's good to get feed back once in a while haha...
sorry for my limited vocabulary lool it will improve one day i promise!
BUT i hope you guys enjoyed :)

to look at Millennium's outfit click this link:,r:3,s:18&biw=1366&bih=519%29

and for Ashanti's outfit:,r:7,s:913&biw=1366&bih=519