Status: working on it

Here I Come, so You Better Be Prepared!

Oh well, she has a broken nose now too bad. I should have known she wouldn’t have let it go just like that. She grabbed my hair and threw me to the floor and sat on me.
“You bitch! My nose!” she screeched…god that hurt especially with an already high voice like hers… it’s like a damn dog whistle. She tried punching me but even though I was small I was way more physically fit than her. She was a chubby baby…still pretty though…but she’s a whore…so we hate her. Ok? Even you reader! HATE HER! I blocked her punch then threw one at her eye. She fell back and I took someone’s drink and poured it all over her. God I wanted to do this for so long! But someone knocked me from the back. Shit it was Eric. The force he hit me with was too much… I just sat on the floor for a while. But Ashanti had my back she jumped on his back and bit his neck. Damn… she can be scary when needed.

“MEN DON’T TOUCH GIRLS YOU WUSS!” she bellowed at him.

“ow! OUCH! Stop with the biting u whore!”oooh big mistake one thing you did not do to Ashanti was call her names, unless you were me, because then she knows you’re kidding.
“Oh hell naw son! Here Mill hold my earrings” she threw them at me and took of one of her heels.

“let me knock some sense into you boy!” oh he was in for it now, but the club real security got to him first.

After a couple of hours we were all dragged into the police station. I really did not care at this moment…I finally had my revenge. I have wanted it forever… slowly I started remembering why I hated the two so much. He always cheated on me, and she always used me. Ashanti said I was a pushover but I told her best friends did shit for each other, but she was right Ga-WHORE took it too far. She would always use me to get out of trouble with her parents then they’d be mad at me. And when I said I wouldn’t do it anymore she spread a rumor saying I was a bad friend. But I could care less I hated her, and thank god I was rid of her.

“So… Millennium is it? Mind telling me what happened?” the police officer sat in front of me and looked me dead in the eye.

“you know the club, people go crazy, and that is how I am when I dance, even ask my friends!” I pointed at Ashanti, Tom and the rest. “and I did not realize she was behind me so I accidently elbowed her, then she got mad and accused me of doing it on purpose! Why would I do that?” I looked at him with big, innocent eyes. I was a good liar, I was used to it. I don’t know why but I lie for people most of the time it became second nature I guess. “She tried punching me, and I couldn’t let that happen you see, my face is important because I model” I looked at the police officer dead on when I said it.

“Oh and you should be you have the face for it!” he complemented… god men were so easy.

“haha thank you, so yeah I had to defend myself, and the drink, well you can see she was already drunk, so was her boyfriend” I pointed at Eric. Suck on this nut sack losers!
“Yeah, yeah your story makes sense, I understand don’t worry. I am sure to co-operate with you” he said with a huge grin.

“As for you two,” he turned and looked at Graciela and Eric, “underage drinking is illegal, you guys are lucky this young lady convinced me to just give you guys a fine” he gave them a firm look and left.

“You liar! Come back! You need to hear the truth! This bitch lies; all she ever does is lie… COME BACK!” she screamed at the top of her lung. Well I guess that was our queue to go home. I stood up to leave.

“I swear I will get you Mill, watch yourself” hmph, as if she could do anything, and that was proven today. What is she gunna do? Like spread a rumor? Whatever. I just looked at her and smiled then walked out! As soon as the wind hit my face I jumped up and down in happiness! YES! YES! I thought to myself first time I had a fight! Like a legit fight! Ashanti came squeeling after me!

“YOU DID IT!” she hugged me and twirled me around!

“I know and it feels so good!” I hugged her back and a grin on my face that I couldn’t wipe off. The guys came chasing after us telling us we ruined their night, but only kidding. Cause apparently that was the best chick fight they had ever witnessed. I had to admit I should thank Tom for fighting me when we were younger, because that helped a lot! The guys were still chasing us around the parking lot, I grabbed Ashy’s hand and ran into the forest with her.
I was gasping for air “think they’ll find us here?” I asked breathless.

“Hope not, plus we know this place like the back of our hands” she replied, also out of air.
“…I don’t know what the back of my hand is like” I joked. She rolled her eyes at me. We slowly walked through the forest; I held my heels in my hand, cause unlike Ashanti I can’t run in them. I was lost in thought till I snapped back to reality and realized I had lost Ashanti…I was scared. I usually get scared of the dark, especially if I’m alone. Shit, I thought… my best bet would be going back to the parking lot. I slowly started making my way back when someone pulled me from my hips. I was about to let out a scream but their hand clasped my mouth, so I was made to be quiet. They let me go and I looked up to see who it was… was Eric.
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haha am sorry it's kinda short. :/
what do guys like better long chapters or short ones?
but yeaaaah I'll bring the next one out, maybe after I come back from NYC!!! Sooo yeah am sorry It may take a while before it comes out :(