Status: working on it

Here I Come, so You Better Be Prepared!

is this good for me?

“the fuck you want?” I demanded. Wasn’t he supposed to be in jail? What is he doing roaming around the forest…the creep.

“You, I could never let you go you know that mill” he bit his lip and traced his finger from my temple to my chin. That used to make me melt, anything he wanted I’d do just by that little motion, it was such a turn on. Not anymore, ever since I found out he was a little nasty, AID filled nut sack. I shoved his hand off my face.

“Yeah, too late now, I don’t want you” I searched my pocket for my phone… drumsticks! I left it in the clutch in the car. Man, this day just went from awesome to hell. I started walking away when his hand clamped my wrist so tight I could feel my blood stop. Who knew one could have such strength… guess that’s what they call men.

“Ow, let go, it hurts!” I whined, really. He couldn’t let me go? He had Garcy, she was sure to fulfill his nasty wished. Her mouth moved on his command, whatever freaky crap you wanted she put out. The little nasty…

He pulled me in close to his chest, yuck talk about over use of cologne, unlike Tom…he put the perfect amount…AYE, no, no, no, no, no, not going through that play boy pathway again. One heart break was enough, I knew better. And this is not me admitting that I like him, cause I don’t, just clearing that up. I do not like him…gosh am useless why am I still thinking of this? I need to get out of here.

“Let go or I’ll scream till I turn blue and faint” I threatened. Am not was good with these as Ashanti but who cares.

“I’ll hold you if you fall” he whispered softly. Was he really that thick? Everything I said to him screamed I DO NOT WANT YOU! Guys can be so thick, or is he just in denial, that such an awesome person let go of his nasty little rat ass. Two timing loser. I’m still hurt I guess, I never really liked anyone seriously till he came along. I had miniature crushes, but nothing like how he made me feel. I remember when I first met him, he was nice, tall, lean, and Italian! Italian! Beautiful green eyes and mousy brown hair. He had those perfect straight teeth too… and the smoothest lines a man could speak to a woman. He was good. Until his true nature shined through, and those green eyes became mold, and that mousy brown hair was dirt. Everything just went off. Looks aren’t everything I learned, could be deceiving, just like a beautiful rose, till you get stung by one of the sharp thorns. Then you really know what they are capable off.

“no thanks” I pushed him away and walked away and quickly made my way back to the car. I looked around, crap they weren’t here. I opened up the car and took my cell. I started calling Ashy and she picked up by the first ring.

“now I want to know where the hell are you! And WHO told you to stray away from me huh? Huh? Answer baby girl, cause I gots to know!” she was going off on me, I had to hold the phone a couple of inches away. She can get real loud up in this place, haha, ghetto talk is so much fun. Anyways…

“am back at the car, you wont believe who tried getting me back!” I gushed at her.
“oh, huh, the weird kid from physics? I knew he was after you. I told you, them eyes said everything. You know your problem is that you just don’t listen…” and there she went off again. I had to cut her off.

“no you crazy! Eric! He grabbed me and pulled me in and was like” I tried doing my best deep man voice, that doesn’t sound like a man, just awkward. “baby, you know I want you back, I would never let you go”

“oh hell, he crazy I told you! Italian men, cannot be trusted, but noooo, no, no, nobody ever listens to me. Am making my way back anyway, do not move! You hear me” then she clicked off. I locked the car and sat on its hood. It was a long night; I just want to go home. I closed my eyes for a moment, and felt someone climb next to me.

“Eric, I swear if that’s you I will knock you upside the head” I started.

“I swear my name is Tom” I hoisted myself up on one elbow, and looked to find that it was in fact Tom.

“oh, sorry, thought you were someone else” gosh, that was embarrassing.

“Not hoped? Cause I could just walk away now” he started to get up and I pushed him down.

“No am honestly happy it was you.” I smiled to myself; I bet I looked like a fool just sitting there grinning. “So… what’s up?” I haven’t really talked to Tom normally in a while; it’s usually just mean comments back and forth. Nothing ordinary, so I didn’t know how to start, plus I had some weird feeling in my stomach that I refuse to recognize as butterflies.
“you tell me, that weird drunk guy, and that chick with a huge ass” he had a smirk with that last comment. He would ruin the moment I thought. Oh well, I gave up on him I thought to myself. My head hurt from lying on the car hood so I moved my head to his shoulder.
“he’s my ex, and she’s my ex friend, both are stupid and jerks. You can take the girl though she’ll do anything, though I do warn you, she’s been with so many men I’d have her tested first.” I felt his weight shift from under me, ah I bet he’s getting up to look for her.

“nah thanks, I don’t need someone you can’t stand. And if you ever need to set that boy straight just know am here for you” aweh, I guess he was Mr. Suave number two. Every playboy would be good with women that would be how they got them.

“haha thanks, and if you ever want to learn how to play pool, I’m your girl” I said a little too brightly, what was wrong with me, I was acting weird. Tom sat up straight, I followed. He kept his gaze on me not breaking the eye contact. I wanted to break that contact we were sharing because I was embarrassed but I didn’t want to let go of those beautiful eyes of his. God, he had some long lashed I thought. Hmm, maybe this was a staring competition; I started to get a serious look on my face until I realized our faces were inching closer to each other until there was no space between our faces. I sucked in my breath wishing I had a last minute mint gum I could pop right into my mouth. He started playing with his lip ring, ooh that was all too sexy. I wanted to play with it for him, gosh so many things I wanted to do to him.

“And in the name of Jesus what are you guys doing?” oh my god! I totally forgot about Aksel and the gang! I quickly snapped my head to where that voice came from and saw Aksel running up close.

“haha! I knew yall were gunna get together sooner or later! I just knew it, yall had the whole fight so we can have make up sex going on. Yeah boy!” ok that was the most excited I have ever heard Aksel, usually he was all monotone. But oh god when it all sank in my face turned red, I could feel it just quickly rushing in.

“nah, nothin’ like that I was just pickin somethin’ off her hair that’s all” Tom said it all cooly then hopped of my car and walked away to the forest. The rest of the gang looked at me expectantly.

“what?” they all at the same time gave the seriously? look.

“Hurry on after him, what are you waiting for!” Ashy screamed, god dang it as much as I hate to admit it she was right, I wanted to follow him, even if I don’t know why, I really wanted to follow him. I looked at Bill he smiled at me and pushed me towards the forest.

“it’s rude to keep people waiting ya know?” he said then pushed me a little further, I smiled back at him and jogged after Tom. God he was a fast walker.

I quickened my pace to a faster jog, almost tripping over a random stump…who the hell put that there... idiot I muttered under my breath. I looked around for Tom, tripping over some rocks. Crap, I thought, can't bust my face right before I find Tom. I could just see it now, me falling over due to my lack of balance. Oh that would suck, and since I’ve had rotten luck lately it might just happen.

I heard a twig snap to my left. I looked around frightened; oh man I knew it, I knew today was going to suck. Why couldn’t I stay home like the other kids? Why!? Oh damn. What if I get raped out here?? No, I picked up a stick for protection.

I heard Tom’s soft laugh to my left, I turned around and dropped the stick. He had a smirk on his face, he would, that’s like his damn signature, just like the guitar hump he does. Gosh that was a turn on, and he didn’t even touch me. I was getting hot and bothered just thinking of that. My thoughts came back to reality when Tom leaned against a tree.

"I was hoping you'd follow me." he grinned resting his head on the rough bark of the tree. And what a cute grin I must say. What is wrong with me am like all over him! There was only moonlight shining through to show me a path to get to his ass, I picked my way slowly through a few twigs and stray branches trying not to cut the shit out of myself.

"well don't get too excited." I grumbled finally close enough to see the glint in his eye. I crossed my arms in order to look fiercer.

"I came to...I came to tell you that what happened back there was stupid. I shouldn’t have let it happen, it shouldn’t even have gotten that far…”I started. I had a whole speech in my head planned out...kinda. He took my hand and caressed it slowly with his thumb, I must add his thumb is sexy. I considered snatching it away, because I promised myself I wasn’t getting fooled again but hey what can a girl do when she’s trippy? Plus I wasn’t planning on letting it go far, so I guess some touching couldn’t hurt much right? So I let it hang there as he pretended to be interested in what I was saying. I ranted and he nodded as if interested, but I knew he didn’t give a damn, as if what I was saying was fake..which it probably were excuses for me trying not to get a heart break. He pulled me in closer, inch by inch I was nearing him.

"n-now you better stop that...or...or I'll scream!" damn, again with the lame threats, and this time I stuttered too! This has got to stop, it is not healthy how hard my heart was banging on my chest, I could seriously feel my ribs cracking under the strength of each pump. Now I was close to where I could feel his cool breath on my face, I rested one of my hands on his chest.

"I dare you." he whispered. God he was such a tease! And then he leaned in and kissed me. It's funny, I was always in denial, but I was waiting for this moment, FOREVER. It wasn’t anything like what I imagined, and nothing like when he slipped that mint into my mouth…he was good, real good. Whoa, a burst of I don’t know what just surged through me. His lips were glued to mine like candy hearts on a Valentine’s Day card, he also tasted good, like candy, note to self, ask what candy that was. Our mouths moved together as if we had done this a million times, our lips were a perfect match, like a lock and its key, it just fit. I mean, he probably has does this a million times with a million girls and they probably felt this way too, but for this moment I didn’t give a damn, I made a promise to myself I wasn’t going to go too far, I thought wrapping my arms around his neck. He grabbed my waste and pulled me in while squeezing me tighter, but not enough to hurt me, just enough for me to feel his body against mine. I felt sparks dance on the invisible lines between us as he inched a hand under my shirt. Should I stop here? Nah, this can go for a little longer. It was warm as he ran a finger down my spine. He was pro...I'll admit it, I thought completely melting in his arms. I promise am not going to go too far…I hope.
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yerp, sorry it's a little late, just so busy you know?
haha school and what not :P
but yeah hope you guys like it!
some feed back would be great haha
I put a Tom and Milli moment because one of my good fans really wanted one :)
so there it is for u guys to enjoy ;)