Status: working on it

Here I Come, so You Better Be Prepared!

is he serious?

His lips lingered on mine a moment longer then I pulled away. I felt really awkward, but that’s not how I wanted things to be between us, so I looked up at him catching him smirking at me.

“so, you’ve had some training?” he teased me. Gosh I bet I was blushing like a red pineapple or something red like that.

“what about you? You’re no newb” I pointed out he just smiled at me and took me by the waist so I’d have my body against him like before.

“can we keep going?” he asked, he tried pulling Bill’s puppy dog eyes, but I knew he was far from an innocent puppy.

“no we have to go, I need to get home and prepare for school, I have like only 2 more days!” I peeled of off him and grabbed his hand, trying to lead him out of the forest. Soon we saw the light and nearly got to our buddies when he suddenly pulled his hand away really quick. No one seemed to notice but me, and I admit I was a little shocked. Why’d he do it? was he embarrassed? Or did he not want anyone to know? And if so why?

“Well, you guys have hickies all over your necks!” Aksel partially screamed. GEEZUS! He cannot keep his mouth shut! And omg…hickies! School is in like 2 days! I hope they wear out by then… they better, or some stupid rumors are going to spark up.

“we didn’t do anything” Tom said and got into the car… that was weird it was as obvious as a doo doo stain on white briefs, that obviously something happened, but he was denying it. I didn’t care at the moment and made everyone get into the car so we can go home. I dropped Ashy first and she made me promise to call her, then I drove us home. We finally got there and I could hear my mother’s soft snore as I climbed the stairs. The walls were extremely thin, so anything can be heard. I quickly changed into some basketball shorts and a tank top. Hmm comfy. I slid into bed replaying Tom’s soft, juicy lips on mine, his smooth hand wandering all over just simply exploring. Thank god I didn’t go too far, or I would have thrown myself off my balcony, or something tragic like that. Slowly, I drifted to sleep thinking of his pretty face.

RISE AND SHINE… I threw my clock into the wall. I was so not ready to wake up this early, plus I didn’t have to go to the photo shoot today, thank god. I went back to sleep for more hours then woke up to a hand on my waist. I quickly turned to see who it was, and it was Tom. What was he doing? I sat up just admiring his sleepy face, then I decided to snap some pictures of it on my cell phone. Hmm, I wonder how much these are worth I pondered. I was about to leave to the bathroom when his grip tightened and pulled me into him.

“You’re not going anywhere princess” then he smirked, gosh that was a killer.
“But it’s all ready two! In the afternoon!” I exclaimed, then Bill came rushing in.
“Have you seen To-oooooh” he said as he came to slow realization. Then slowly turned around.

“no, no it’s not like that!” I called after him, but he just turned and told me I don’t need to explain. This kid was nothing but trouble. So I abruptly got up while Tom was still clinging to me then I walked to the bathroom dragging him along. He was like a monkey!
“are you gunna let me pee?” I asked him annoyed.
“no” he replied

“then I’ll pee on you,” I retorted, “I already planned on doing it to your breakfast one, don’t make me make it happen” I threatened then he laughed.

“You’re nasty, but I like that about you” winked at me then left. Ew what a perv I thought.
I did womanly things in the bathroom then headed downstairs for some orange juice, and a cheese sandwich. Bill was watching T.V when I strolled by him.

“morning” I greeted him.

“morning” he replied with a grin on his face. “sooo, what’s you guys do last night? I heard some moaning” I laughed how could he say that with a straight face?

“I know you’re lying cause I know for a fact we didn’t do anything, and if you could hear then my mom would hear, and my mom would kill me. But am not dead, so there” ha! I won that battle. He looked at me as if I were dumb then turned to the T.V.

“you’re stupid” Tom told Bill. “why would I hook up with Ms. No tits?” I was horrified, how could he say that after what we did! I know we didn’t go far but still, and Bill saw him ON MY BED!

“okay what gives?” I turned to look at him dead on.

“what the truth bothers you princess?” he gave me his stupid smirked and just glared at him.

“why do you keep denying stuff? Like the kissing and the hickies?” I asked. Like seriously I want to know. He just simply shrugged.

“I just wanted to see what it was like kissing you, plus me and Bill made a bet on how fast I could make you like me” and again with that smirk, I felt a tear roll down but I swept it away too quickly for anyone to notice.

“Who ever said I liked you? Maybe I’m just like you huh? Me and Ashy made a bet on how fast I could get you to like me. Plus kissing someone doesn’t… doesn’t me you like them!” I screeched and turned back to the T.V. I hate Tom Kaulitz I thought in my head, he needs to go, far, far away, like to Greenland.

“well this is interesting” Bill said as he stroked his dumb chin. I just gave him a cold look.
" how about we bet that Mill can get you to have sex with her faster than you can? I put my money on her" Bill added. He was my least favorite person right now.

“may the best man win” Tom whispered into my ear, which sent shivers all over me. I was so not losing; this sleaze ball was paying for his mistake! I’m on a mission to give him a broken heart, and I never lose. But i denied the sex one, i am not a whore.
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ahahaha....well yeah.
what can i say?
is it any good? IDK!
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LOL i feel like a youtuber :P