Status: hiatis

Revenge Loves Company

Revenge Loves Company- Chapter 1

I opened my eyes and looked around. Where the hell am I? A hotel room, a suite actually. I turned my head to the right and saw a guy next to me. My head was telling me that I knew him but my eyes were blurry and my head was spinning 20 miles a hour. His hair was dark brown and he had a morning shadow. He was handsome, that’s for sure. My heart beat sped up before I looked under the covers and saw that we were both fully clothed, me in pajamas for that matter. I ran my hand through my hair and felt my hair get stuck in something.
“Ow,” I said as I untangled my hair from whatever it was stuck in. When I looked at my hand, I was aw struck. “Oh fuck.” The boy beside me stirred and rolled over to look at me. As he slowly smiled at me, I gasped.
“Josh?!” I exclaimed. He really looked at me and shot up in the bed.
“Devan?” he said. He looked at my hand. “You’re married?” I looked at his hand and picked it up so he could see the silver band on his hand.
“You are too,” I replied. He looked at his hand, then mine, then up at me.
“Are we?” he questioned.
“I have no idea,” I said, dropping my head in my hands. “I’m figuring so since I’m here and we both have rings. Shit, how drunk did I get last night? Damn.”
“I was just thinking the same thing,” Josh said. I’d known Josh since high school when I did foreign exchange in a town called Weybridge, which was about 50 minutes from London. We had been in the same class but hadn’t been in the same click. We got along and had gone on a few dates but nothing more had come of it. After I left, I’d kept in touch and we’d become pretty good friends. I threw back the covers and looked for my bag. I looked through it but couldn’t find my camera and groaned.
“What are you looking for?” Josh asked as he climbed out of the bed. I took a moment to admire him. He’d grown up in the past two years, even more handsome than he was before.
“My camera. It’s not here,” I told him. “Whatever, it wasn’t that great of one anyways.”
“Um, do you want some clothes or something?” he asked me.
“I’m thinking I have a suitcase or something around here,” I said. “Otherwise, how did I get these clothes?”
“Yeah, good point,” Josh replied. “I’ll help look for it.” He walked out of the room and returned a few minutes later with my bag.
“Thanks,” I said as I took it from him. “Um, did you see where the bathroom was?”
“Just around the corner,” he told me.
“Okay, thanks,” I said as I stood and headed out the door. “Damn.”
“What the bloody hell happened last night?” I heard Josh say after he had dialed his phone. “Yeah, I know.... she’s here with me, she’s changing.... Yeah, I know...No....
..... Yes, I still like her....... But no, I don’t know what we’re going to do.... why didn’t you stop us?!.......... Yeah, whatever.” I finished getting ready quickly and came out of the bathroom to find Josh sitting on a couch, watching TV. He had changed into a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, Nikes, and a beanie. He looked over the back of the couch at me and smiled.
“Do you want to get something to eat?” he asked me.
“Sure,” I replied shyly. He stood, shutting off the TV, before jumping over the back of the couch. I laughed. “Haven’t changed much.”
“No, not really,” he said as he reached over and took my hand. I felt a little uncomfortable at first but the longer Josh held my hand, the more comfortable I felt. As we waited for the elevator, Josh’s thumb rubbed circles on the outside of my hand and I smiled to myself.
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Okay, so here's chapter 1. I hope you liked it. If you aren't really sure who You Me At Six is, stop reading this and go look them up!! They're amazing.