Status: Not as Active as before, but I'll try to write it lasfjsdlfjd

Jokes, Cons, and Romantic Intentions


Cameron and I approached Starbucks and he quickly sprinted for the door. He held it open for me.

“Ladies first.”

“Um.....thank you.” I felt a little awkward, because no one had ever did that for me before. I stepped into the coffee shop and instantly warm, hearty, delicious smells overwhelemed me. Who knew coffee could smell so amazing?

Cameron scanned the numerous drinks in front of him, while I stared at the menu. An “ahh” escape his lips and he picked up a bottle of orange juice.

“Look at me, getting orange juice in a coffee shop. Psh.” He grinned, acting like a big shot.

“Okaaay.” I looked at him and he stared back at me. “Aren't you going to pay?”

“I'm waiting for you.” He raised an eyebrow.

“I'm not done yet. Go first.” He heaved a heavy sigh and went up to the counter.

“That would be $2.48.” said the cashier. Cameron gave her a weird look as he pulled out his wallet.

“Seriously? $2.48?” His look grew even more serious and the cashier just blinked, obvioulsy confused on how to respond. She gave him an awkward smile.

“Stop offending the cashier.” I hissed.

“What? I was just making a point.” He put the money on the counter. “And I'm paying for it. What's the big deal?”

“Oh dear.” I put my palm to my forehead and shook it. The woman chuckled and gave him his change. I stepped up to the counter. “Hi. Um...I would like Caramel Frappucino.”

“With whipped cream?”

“Yes please. Oh! And you can you put a chocolate drizzle on it?” I heard a cough from Cameron.

“That would be $3.50.” I handed her the money. Cameron coughed again, along with a slight snicker.

“What's so funny?!” I demanded.

“ want sprinkles on that too?” He guaffawed.

“Shut up. As a matter of fact, if they did have sprinkles, I would honestly get some.” He laughed even harder.

The cashier who was listening on our conversation, murmured - “Cute couple”, before helping the next person in line. My heart started thumping.

Cute couple?

I looked back at Cameron who was taking a long sip of his orange juice. Really? He and I made.....a cute couple? I felt my stomach toss and turn again. Wait....doesn't this mean.....that - ?

“Hey! Miss Spacey!” Cameron called. “Your coffee is ready!”

“Eh?” I blinked once. A Starbucks worker had an annoyed look on his face, holding out my coffee in a tired manner. “Thanks. Sorry....” I mumbled. I turned around quickly and walked down to the table that Cameron chose. I took the chair that was across from him. There was a moment of awkward silence before he spoke up.

“Why do you keep doing that?”

“Doing what?”

“Suddenly spacing out?”

I shrugged. “I think a lot.” I took a sip of my frappuncio.

Silence again. Cameron finished up the last of his orange juice and pulled out his phone, scrolling through it. I just sat there, drinking.

Ugh. I hate this so much. I'm so boring. I'm so awkward. Why can't I be more outgoing? And why can't I think of anything to say?

My eyes looked back up at Cameron to see that he was holding his breath, trying not to laugh. I gave him a weird look and he noticed. He cocked his head to the side, motioning something. I shifted my eyes to the side to see a couple sitting at the end of the table. They were also staring at us. I looked back at Cameron.

“What?” I mouth. He just shook his head and chuckled.

Suddenly, the couple got rose from their seats, walked swiftly past us and out of Starbucks. As soon as they were gone, Cameron started laughing uncontrollably.

“What are you laughing at?”

“No. No. The girl was like - 'I don't feel like drinking coffee anymore.' and the guy started rubbing her stomach, saying – 'Does it feel better now?' Oh my god! It's like he was talking to a freaking horse or something!”

“What the heck?” I giggled. “That's so weird.”

“I know! I thought he was gonna give her a sugar cube next, Oh! Or even a plateful of hay!” He cried between laughs.

“Oh my gosh! And he's gonna ride her out the door.” That made him laugh even harder.

“With a saddle and everything!” We laughed some more. It was a beautiful bonding moment.

“Why were they staring at you anyway?”

“I'm guessing they figured that I was laughing at them.”

“Well, you stared at them first.”

“No! They were already staring at us!”

I stared down at my drink again. “So's you and Jazlyn?”

“Oh that.” Cameron let out a huge sigh. “Her friends wanna fight me.”

“They wanna what!?” I jumped out of my seat, nearly knocking my drink over. Luckily Cameron caught it. “What!?”

“I said her friends - “

“Yeah! I heard! I mean, they – – WHAT? Why?”

“They were saying all this shit like ' Ooh! You broke her heart! We're gonna kick your ass now!' Fucking ridiculous. She broke up with me!”

“What are you gonna do about?”

“Fight back. Duh.”

“Are you insane?!”

“Look Hayden. Her friends are just as skinny as me. They're not bodybuilders. I just need to work out a bit. Besides, I'm not taking all of them head on. I'm getting David and Eric to back me up. Plus I know a whole other bunch of dudes who hate Jazlyn's friends.”

“No. Don't do it. Not at school!”

“Who said we were gonna have this fight at school? It's gonna get ruined in five seconds.”

“I don't support this fight.”

“You're not involved in this whole drama crap, so don't worry about it.”

“What is Jazlyn doing about this?”

“She's not doing shit.”


Cameron sat up straight and stared at me in the eye. “Look, whatever. I fucking hate Jazlyn. I'm not gonna lie, it was the best nine months of my life, but what she's doing now and why she broke up with me......I don't really give a crap about her. I don't wanna see her ugly face, I don't want anything to do with her anymore.”

“Yeah but.....don't you miss her?”

“I do, I miss her a lot. However, if she's just gonna stand there and just let her friends beat me up, then I don't want anything to do with her anymore. My ex-girlfriend basically wants me beaten up, should I still care about her? Huh?”

“Sorry....” I murmured.

“Don't be. I'm sorry I just went off like that, I was pretty much venting.”

“Then vent all you want. It's better than bottling up your feelings.”

Cameron gave me a little smile and twirled his empty juice bottle around. “I liked how Jazlyn was when I was together with her,” He looked up at me. “You and her could almost be equals.”

“What? W-What does that mean?”

“Exactly what he means.” he murmured, blushing a little.