Status: I'll post when I have time...not making too many promises.


Chapter 3 - Back in the Barn

“See I told you it was fun.” I said mockingly as I shoved Jasper gently.

We were making out way out the gate of the back pasture to bring some of the horses in. He laughed at my comment rolling his eyes.

“I stand corrected Annie.” He joked tipping his “hat” for me.

I felt my lips turn up in a smile. He is so cute! Jasper smiled back before turning towards the gate that we had just reached. I watched as he climbed to the top of the fence before sitting down on the top beam. He looked down at me and gestured for me to do the same.

“Come on Annie, I don’t know how I would explain it to Mr. Turner that his grandbaby got trampled by the horses. He’d skin me alive.” He tried to joke at the end, but the truth was Granddaddy probably would skin him alive if he let that happen to me.

I laughed anyways as I climbed up the fence and sat by Jasper. I looked out at the green pasture; the sun was low in the sky but not close to setting yet the light still bouncing off the grass making it look all the more beautiful. I looked over at Jasper to find him looking at me smiling before turning out to the pasture and bringing his fingers to his lips to whistle the horses in. Turning back to the pasture the sight becoming even more radiant as 14 horses galloped over towards us.

A laugh escaped my lips before I knew it was upon them as the horses ran past us into the barn causing my hair to fly into my face. I turned to face Jasper again a smile still on my face to see a smile reaching his own features brightening up his already beautiful face. I quickly jumped down and ran into the barn to find most of the horses in their labeled stalls. Jasper entered behind me and made his way to closing all of the stalls.

“I was planning on riding EJ tonight to settle him down. Did you want to ride too or do you want to head back in.” He asked in a shy manner.

“I think I’ll ride. If that’s alright.”

“No, I mean of course its fine. Just pick your horse I’ll go get the saddles.” He said quickly running off to the saddle racks.

I walked down the rows until I came to the familiar stall.

“Hey Lil’ Red.” I whispered as I enter the stall with my horse in it. He coat still shined like a new copper penny except a single spot on his forehead that was white.

“Hey boy. How’ve you been?”I cooed remembering the day Granddaddy bought him for me.

Flashback Annie age 8

“Go on baby girl pick out whatever horse you want.” My Granddaddy told me as he hoisted my eight year old body onto his shoulders so I could see the horses.

“Really Granddaddy?!” I asked my little body shaking with excitement, “any one I want?”

He laughed at my excitement,

“Yes baby any one you want.”

“Yay! I get a pony,” I cried as I wrapped my arms around Granddaddy’s quickly turning back around to pick out the most perfect pony.

I looked around at all the black and the brown ponies and even the spotted ones but I still hadn’t found my pony. I kept looking until I saw it a bright copper colored coat, like a new penny but a little redder.

“That one Granddaddy!” I shouted excitedly pointing to the horse “That’s my pony.”

He laughed and said, “Okay we’ll get that one. What do you want to name him?”

“Hmm…” I thought seriously thinking about it as if it were a matter of life and death, “I’ll name him Lil’ Red.”

“Lil’ Red it is then.”

End flashback

I smiled at the horse before opening the door and walking over to the post, Lil’ Red following my every step not even thinking about bolting through the still open barn gate.

Jasper had come back from the saddle racks and both saddles were now on the stands.

“Here put the bridle on Red while I go get EJ.” Jasper told me handing me the matching bridle to my saddle that was sitting on the stand beside Jasper’s.

I quickly put the bridle on Red not having any troubles and began brushing Red. Jasper soon rejoined me with a bridled EJ who he tied off at the post. Jasper went and got my saddle and quickly saddle up Red then doing the same to EJ. We both mounted and headed out to the pasture where we would be riding.
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Sorry it has been so long. I'm going to be trying to post more chapters soon.
Oh and please check out my new new story me and haleyxelizabeth are writing!!