
I'll strip you bare 'till the truth comes out.

Jenner Akerland is a hard working girl with a good heart in her chest and good head on her shoulders, she just has the weight of her nightmare past holding her back. Birthed by a woman scorn, Jenner was taught how not to love. She was taught that it was okay to struggle and that it was okay to get help, just make sure it's not a man that's helping you. She thought she would never fall in love but people are wrong 98% of the time in their lives.

Sidney Crosby is a work horse, which in turn made him a power house of a hockey player with the weight of his team and the whole entire city of Pittsburgh on his shoulders. When he looks at his love life he sees nothing but dust on an empty shelve but when his eyes caught the fresh faced girl from Manhattan, he sees another thing he could add to his list of accomplishments.

Yet, Manhattan would soon turn out to be the hardest thing he has ever worked for.

[Supporting Characters:Sasha Christensen \\ Maxime Talbot \\ Pascal Dupuis]
I do not own anything or anyone you may recognize. I, however, do own my characters and my plot. I would really apperciate if you did not steal, stealing is for meanies and no wants to be that. Rian