Status: Active

Maybe This Time It'll Be Happily Ever After

Maybe This Time It'll Be Happily Ever After (01)

Chapter 1
-- Cheater

November 20, 2010
1 year anniversary

-Carrie’s POV-

I was running up the stairs hoping to surprise my fiancé Nick on our anniversary. You see, Nick and I have been together since our freshman year in college. And he proposed exactly one year ago. He loved me and I loved him, well that was until I walked in on him while he was busy screwing my best friend Mary… I mean EX BESTFRIEND.

I remember the day I met Nick in high school. My boyfriend and I just broke up. I mean HE DUMPED ME for HER! (Dramatic I was crying by my locker when this amazing looking guy with piercing green eyes happened to walk by. He looked down at me and held out his hand. I reluctantly took it. He helped me up and held me close. Even though I didn’t know the guy, I knew he sincerely wanted to comfort me. After a few minutes of me crying into his shirt, he lifted my chin, looked me in the eyes and said: “I’m Nick.”

*End of flashback*

-Nick’s POV-

I heard the door creak open and when I looked up I saw Carrie staring wide-eyed at us. Shit.

-Carrie’s POV-

When Nick looked up I hurriedly ran towards the guest bedroom. I took out a duffel bag and threw some of my extra clothes in it. I heard Nick call my name and I saw him burst through the door.
“Carrie, it’s not what you think.”
“It’s not what I think?! What do you mean it’s not what I think?!”
“Just le----“
“Let you what? Explain?!” Tears were now streaming down my cheeks.
“Then tell me Nick, tell me what I saw!”
“I..We were….”
“See? You can’t even come up with a stupid lie”
I grabbed my keys and when I passed Nick, I saw Mary.
“Carrie, wait!”
I glared at her and said: “Wait for what?! For you to come up with a better lie than Nick? Save it. I thought you were my best friend. I guess I was wrong.”
“Carrie, I’m so sor…” was all I heard. I got in my—Nick’s car and drove off.