Status: Active

Maybe This Time It'll Be Happily Ever After

Maybe This Time It'll Be Happily Ever After (02)

Chapter 2
-- Home?

- Carrie’s POV-

I woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon. I slowly got out of bed and walked down the stairs.
“Good morning sunshine” my mother said.
“What’s so good about mornings?” I whisper-shouted.
“Don’t be a spoil sport just because of a silly boy.”
“Mum, he was my fiancé. And just so you know…”
She then wrapped her arms around me. “Oh baby, I’m sorry it had to end in such a painful way. How about we go shopping today, just the two of us.”
“Great.” I mumbled sarcastically

Two Hours Later

“That was fun mum, thanks.”
“Anything for you baby. Shopping really is the best therapy for a broken heart.”
I chuckled.
“Darling, don’t you have to get your things.”
“Yeah.. I’m gonna go get them now.” I said, my throat tightening at the thought of going home.
“Want me to come with you?”
“Nah. It’s ok.”


On the drive to my house, the song that happened to play was ‘What You Mean to Me’ by Sterling Knight. It also happened to be raining. Hard. Just right for the way I felt. When I got there, I stood on the porch and sighed. Even though I knew Nick wasn’t going to be home, I just didn’t want to go in to the place where something so hurtful happened. This used to be a place of love and happiness. Now, all I could feel was pain. I slowly put my key in the key hole and opened the door. I bit my lip fighting back the tears and ran up to the master bedroom. I packed all my things, went back down stairs and wrote a note.

I’ve packed all my things; I’m finally out of your hair. I’m leaving the house and the car to you, since you know, they belong to you. I’m out of your life for good. Hope you and Mary live happily ever after.

P.S.: I hope you both rot in hell.


A few months passed, and I’d moved to a different state. Maryland to be specific. I was familiar with the place because when I was younger, we lived here. I finally found a nice house and already met a few prospective clients. My job as an interior designer was already kicking off, and I hadn’t even settled in yet. I was turning over a new page. I was starting fresh, starting with a clean slate. I had my number changed so Nick and anything related to him would be out of my life for good. I wanted to move on.

April 5, 2011

I finally moved into my new house. As I was carrying my last bag into the house, I noticed this crazily handsome guy with chocolate brown eyes sitting on the lawn next door with 3 other guys and 2 girls. Strangely, I felt like I knew him. ‘I’ll look him up later’ I thought to myself. On my way to the house, I noticed that Brown was playing a guitar and singing. I was just in hearing range and when I heard his voice, I melted. He was singing perfectly, not too slow or too fast. Just right. I realized I was staring and quickly glanced away. When I looked back at him, he now had his eyes on me. When our eyes met, it was magic.