Status: Active

Maybe This Time It'll Be Happily Ever After

Maybe This Time It'll Be Happily Ever After (05)

Chapter 5
-- Talk to Me

-Carrie’s POV-

Can I come over?
Why would he want to come over? Did Kara tell everyone? Of course she did. I mean, that was a little weird what happened yeaterday. But now all I’m gonna get from them is pity. Great! Just great.
I wrote down a response and walked out of my room yet again.

-Alex’s POV-
2 hours later

I got dressed and walked over to Carrie’s. I wanted to talk to her. I wanted to tell her I understand and know exactly how she feels, even after all these years.
I rang the doorbell. She opened the door and came out.
“Hey.” She said expressionless. But I knew she’d been crying. Her hair was up in a sloppy bun and she was wearing pajamas at 3 in the afternoon. Her eyes were puffy and in all honesty, she looked like a wreck. I wanted so much to pull her into a hug and tell her how everything will be ok. But all I did was stand there and say a ‘hey’ back.
“Come in” she said, leading me to the living room and sitting on the couch.
“Sorry ‘bout the mess.” she mumbled. It wasn’t really messy, except for the empty ice cream carton on the coffee table.
I just stood there awkwardly. She motioned for me to sit down, so I did.
“So..” she started. “I guess Kara told you guys.”
“Yeah, and I just wanted to come over here and talk to yo---”
“Alex,” she said interrupting me. “I don’t really want to talk about it.” She said her voice cracking.
“Oh, well..Would it be ok if I talked and you listened?”I asked. She nodded.
“I want to tell you about my brother, Daniel…”

-Carrie’s POV-

“..He was my role model. He was always there for me when I needed him. Then one day, when I was 17 he gave me his signed guitar. It was his favorite. And all I said was ‘thanks bro’.” he said rolling his eyes, mocking his past self. “Then a few days later, he killed himself.” He whispered the last part. I noticed a tear run down his cheek and he quickly wiped it away. I didn’t mention it though; he was trying to be strong.
I knew he didn’t want pity so I just nodded, scooted closer to him and said:
“Thanks Alex. And after all this, I guess we’re best friends now.” I mused lightly.
He smiled down at me, hugged me close and pressed my head lightly against his chest.
“I guess we are.”
I opened my eyes and when I looked at the clock, it read 6 PM. I fell asleep again. I remember Alex was humming an unfamiliar tune as I dozed off. I tried to get up, but when I moved something pulled me back down. I shifted in the small space and saw Alex sleeping on the couch with his arm securely around my waist. He looked so comfortable sleeping; I didn’t want to wake him. I lay back down and started thinking everything over.

-Alex’s POV-
When I opened my eyes, Carrie was looking at me, smiling.
“Sleep well?” She asked.
I smiled at her and nodded, stifling a yawn.
“What’s the time?”
“7:30. I didn’t want to wake you.” She said smiling. J

I asked Carrie if she wanted to go out to dinner with everybody else. Her reaction was great. She was ecstatic.
“Jack! Get the guys and be at my house in 10. We’re going for pizza.”
“All 6 of us?” Jack asked.
“No, Carrie’s coming.” I replied.
“Dude! You’re totally into her!”
“Just be here soon.” I said before hanging up.

Domino’s Pizza

-Carrie’s POV-

All 7 of us walked in, all knowing what we wanted. Jack and Dani wanted Hawaiian and Rian and Kara wanted pepperoni – which left Zack, Alex and me. Surprisingly, all 3 of us wanted ham and cheese. After we ordered, we went to our table and started talking about serious stuff – just kidding. We were really fooling around. All of us were having such a great time, eating and joking. I was just finishing my joke, when I saw two people, hand in hand walk in. I instantly stopped talking and frowned. Everyone at the table looked at me confused, but when I didn’t respond, they followed my gaze and saw what I was looking at – Nick and Mary.