Status: Active

Maybe This Time It'll Be Happily Ever After

Maybe This Time It'll Be Happily Ever After (07)

Chapter 7
-- Its Funny, This Feeling Inside

-Carrie’s POV-

For the past two months, I’ve been spending every waking hour with the guys. Especially with Alex. I’ve learned a lot about him, and I guess he learned a lot about me too. Jack and I were just about as tight.
Tonight, all of us were going to the park.

-Alex’s POV-

I thought everything through. Tonight’s gonna be a good night.

6:30 PM – PARK

¬-Carrie’s POV-

The guys were picking out a table while Dani, Kara and I got all the food. By the time we finished setting the table and of course, fooling around, it was 8:00. We were all sitting around, sandwiches in hand when Jack suggested something pretty awesome.
“Why don’t we start a campfire or something?” Jack asked excitedly.
“Wow Jacky. How in the world did you come up with an idea so brilliant?” I teased.
“Heyy! That wasn’t very nice Blair.”
We all started to laugh at him. When we were all laughed out, Alex and I went to get supplies for smores while everyone else looked for wood.
“It’s beautiful out tonight.” I stated.
“Yeah, you are.” Alex said, sighing.
I was surprised at what he said, but let it slide.
“Lexi, I’m really gonna miss you guys when you go on tour.

The band was going on tour this summer. And I really would miss the guys when they left. Especially Alex.

-Alex’s POV-

Since the band was going on tour, I wouldn’t be home for a few months. And to top it off, we were leaving in a few days. In really wanted to tell Carrie how I felt and ask her to come on tour with us, but it might be a bit much. I can’t keep this best friend thing up when I truly want more than that.

When we got back, the guys were still trying to light the fire. When it finally lit, we started roasting our marshmallows. ¬¬ Jack, Dani, Rian and Kara started to get all mushy half way through the hour and I groaned in frustration.
Kara giggled when she heard me. She probably thought I was thinking ‘get a room’. Not that I wasn’t though, but the real reason was because I wanted what they had. I wanted so much to be with my best friend, the girl who was in my arms now, but didn’t see me as any more than a friend. I could tell her everything, except about how I truly felt. I mean, what if she didn’t feel the same way and I ruined our friendship? I would settle for friends though, if Carrie didn’t want more.
“Hey guys, why don’t we go for a walk? Everyone’s getting so couple-y it makes me want to gag.” Zack said, making a face.
“Yeah, let’s go.” I said, sighing, helping Carrie to her feet.

We were walking in silence when Zack said “I’m going to the slide bro.”

Haha! Slide!
Like you don’t like going down.
Shut it.

I nodded then he left. Now it was just Carrie and me. We got to a swing set and she sat on one. I gently started to push her. After a few minutes of silence between us, I couldn’t contain myself. I moved in front of her and pulled her to her feet.
“Where are we going?” She asked.
“There.” I said, pointing to the hill located on the east side of the park.
After a few minutes of walking, we got there.
“Carrie, can I tell you something?” I asked quietly.
“Anything.” She whispered back.
I then tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear, and held her face in my palm. I looked into her eyes and I’m pretty sure she wasn’t objecting. With that, I leaned down to kiss her.

-Carrie’s POV-

He tucked a bit of my hair behind my ear and cradled my face in his hands. He looked down at me with an expression which I’m pretty sure was loving. He was leaning towards me – for a kiss! Butterflies were going crazy in my stomach and my face was tingling from his touch. Our faces were inches apart. Then I heard someone clear their throat. Both Alex’s and my head snapped up.
“Uhm, guys?” Zack asked, obviously embarrassed he ruined our moment. I frowned. He knew how I felt about Alex. He was one of the guys I could tell everything to.
Disappointment flooded me. I wasn’t going to get the chance I wanted with Alex. I knew he wouldn’t try that again, now with tour coming. I just hope this incident doesn’t ruin our friendship.

-Alex’s POV-

“I’m so sorry man, I didn’t know.” Zack said, as I watched Carrie walk into her house.
“Me too.” I said, sighing.

2 days later

The tour bus was outside my house. All of us, minus Dani and Carrie were going on tour. Kara was going to help Vinny out and be our merch girl this year, since she missed Rian so much last time. Dani and Jack were busy ‘saying goodbye’ privately, and everyone else was helping us load the bus. As I loaded my last bag into the bus, Carrie came up to me. I lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around my torso. She hugged me and I hugged back. I wanted to kiss her so much at that moment, but I had to control myself. I whispered something in her ear and put her down. I smiled at her and she nodded, letting a tear escape. I wiped it away and turned around to walk to the bus.
“I’ll miss you Lexi.” She whispered.
“I miss you already.” I replied and ran unto the bus.
I walked over to my bunk and lay down.”Alex, why haven’t you asked her out yet?” Kara asked quietly.
I shrugged, not knowing the answer myself.

-Carrie’s POV-

Dani came up to me and gave me a comforting hug.
“He’ll come to his senses soon enough. Don’t worry about it. He DOES love you C, just doesn’t know how to tell you.” Dani stated, matter-of-factly.
I shook my head, not believing Alex would want someone like me.
“You’ll see.” Dani said before walking up the driveway to my house.
I followed her, smiling, keeping what Alex told me in my heart at all times.


It’s been a month since the boys + Kara left for tour. 30 days of talking to them through wires. 30 days of Alex calling me every day, but ‘forgetting’ to inform me about his girlfriend (Kara was nice enough to tell me, since nobody else would, including Jack who told EVERYONE EVERYTHING). Nick kept calling me and even showed up at my house (God knows how he found me), but I asked him nicely to get the fuck out of my life and hasn’t shown up since I slammed the door in his face, breaking his nose in the process. Anyways, Dani and I decided we were going to catch All Time Low’s last show, which was in New York. We wanted to surprise the guys, so we made Kara promise not to tell anyone, except Matt Fylzik (their tour manager) and Rian, because she tells Rian EVERYTHING. I was so excited to see Alex – girlfriend or no girlfriend.

After about two hours of driving Dani’s minivan, we got to DC. We got to see The Maine, Boys Like Girls, Forever The Sickest Kids and There For Tomorrow play. All Time Low walked – I mean jumped their way on stage and dove in to the song Poppin’ Champagne. Their show ended with weightless (one of my favourites). After a few perverted jokes and what not, Alex became serious.
“To my best friend Carrie,”
“Heey!” Jack interrupted. “I thought I was your best friend!”
“Sorry Jack. Anyways, Carrie, if you’re at home sitting on the couch in your PJ’s watching MTV now, I want you to know that I wish you were here. I really miss you C.” A smile was now plastered on my face; Alex missed me just as much as I missed him.
The crowd then erupted in a wave of awwee’s.
But Alex continued.
“And my girlfriend Kim, I love you babe.” My smile faltered.
The crowd then started to chant, asking for Kim to come on stage. A beautiful, 20-something girl then ran on stage, and kissed Alex.
Most of the girls in the crowd sent jealous glares towards Kim, but I just stood there, watching them kiss. Dani pulled me out of the crowd and we made our way backstage. Kara saw us and engulfed us both in hugs, almost knocking us down.
“Carrie. Are you alright? I didn’t know Alex would do that, he didn’t before.” Kara asked.
I just saw my best friend, the guy I love kissing someone I don’t know. And he said he loved her. My heart doesn’t feel too good but other than that I’m great.
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
She frowned but nodded anyway, pulling Dani and me behind her to surprise the guys.
When Dani saw ATL’s tour bus, she ran up to it and burst through the door, attacking Jack with kisses.
I walked in after Kara, putting on a fake smile.

-Alex’s POV-

I saw Dani run unto the bus, surprising Jack. I smiled, knowing Carrie was with her. But when I saw the look on Carrie’s face, my smile immediately dropped.

-Carrie’s POV-

As I walked through the door and saw Alex standing there, I couldn’t help but feel happy. But when I saw his hand laced with someone else’s, all traces of happiness faded.