A Muggle Christmas


Hermione Granger pulled her bushy brown hair into a ponytail to keep the wet strands off of her neck. Christmas in the muggle realm was a lot different than it was at Hogwarts; especially since she got to see her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Granger had sent a letter to the school of witchcraft and wizardry asking that Hermione be allowed to come home for the break. They had a big surprise for her and they wanted to tell her in person, not through the owl post.

The train ride back to London was dull without Harry and Ron to accompany her, even with Crookshanks by her side. Usually by now they would’ve stalked the trolley lady and asked for a little bit of everything, or the cat would be trying to catch a bite of Ron. She didn’t realize how much she would miss their disgusting, un-healthy eating habits until now.

The train finally got to platform nine and three quarters, and Hermione let out a sigh of relief. Her parents would be waiting on the other side of the wall for her and she wouldn’t have to worry about any of the troubles that normally came about while with Ron and Harry.

Her fingers suddenly itched to reach for her wand remembering how she had helped fight off the Death Eaters last year, but she didn’t have it with her. She left it with Lavender and Parvati back in their room. Her parents told her not to bring a single magical item with her, and so she only had her clothes and a hairbrush.

Mr. and Mrs. Granger were beyond enthralled that their daughter was a witch, but they wanted her to spend the holidays as a muggle. She couldn’t even bring the picture of Ron, Harry and herself because they were laughing in it. That was definitely not something an average muggle would see on an ordinary day.

Crookshanks mewed probably sensing Hermione's uncertainty. She wasn't accustomed to not even bringing at least a library of magic books home with her. She felt as though she was leaving a part of herself back at the school with all her friends. Crookshanks let out a hiss and Hermione patted him on the head lightly.

When the whistle blew to announce that the train had come to a stop Hermione stood and grabbed her only bag off of the shelf above her head. She unlocked the door to the small compartment that she had chosen to sit in and walked down the aisle toward the train’s exit with Crookshanks following at her heels.