A Muggle Christmas


Mr. and Mrs. Granger were standing casually with smiles on their faces when Hermione made it through to the train station. They walked over to her and looked at Crookshanks wearily while they waited for a hug.

Soon after they were content that they had given her a proper homecoming, Mr. and Mrs. Granger led Hermione out to their Volkswagen. Sitting in the back seat Hermione noticed a boy about her age. “Mum, who is that boy in your car?” Mrs. Granger blushed slightly and Hermione stopped walking.

“That is Sam darling, Sam Turner.” She said nothing more and Hermione bit her lip absently. “Get in the car Hermione. We’ll get your luggage put away.”

Hermione picked up Crookshanks carefully and obeyed her mother by opening the back seat door and sitting down. Crookshanks wriggled out of Hermione’s grasp as soon as the door was closed and hesitantly made his way over to Sam without a sound escaping his lips. “You may want to be careful, he tends to bite.”

Hermione turned and looked out the window and caught a glimpse of her mom and dad sharing a quick kiss before going their separate ways to their separate doors. She smiled and looked at the seat in front of her once again. Crookshanks was purring contently and Hermione looked over at her. The half-Kneazle cat was lying on Sam’s lap, belly up. Hermione took in the scene with shock written all over her face. Normally Crookshanks didn’t take well to strangers. She let her eyes wander once again to the boys face and studied him carefully.

He didn’t look any different than any other average muggle boy, but something in his eyes told her that there was in fact something odd about him. They weren’t just the average dark green; they had specks of gold and even a bit of blue in them. His dark hair was tousled and looked unkempt which clearly was how he preferred it, but Hermione thought it looked obscene. His long, skinny fingers continued to run through Crookshanks’ fur and she watched them mesmerized.

“He seems to like me enough,” The strange boy looked over at Hermione with a look of accomplishment on his hollowed face.