A Muggle Christmas


Once inside their home, Mr. and Mrs. Granger properly introduced Sam and Hermione. “Sam Turner, this is our daughter Hermione Granger. She is going to be spending break with us.” Hermione looked at her parents, “And Hermione this is Sam. He is also going to be staying with us for break.”

Crookshanks chose that moment to leap into the room and began clawing at the furniture. "Hi Sam," Hermione said politely. "Mum, dad please excuse me," She ran over to the couch that her cat was clawing. “Crookshanks,” Hermione hurriedly picked the cat up and headed out of the room, “Please don’t eat the furniture right now.”


Most the week had gone by without event, Hermione avoided Sam at all costs. Sam on the other hand was trying everything to get them alone together and talking. She was starting to become annoyed by his hollowed face, even his gorgeous eyes were beginning to irritate her. At that precise moment her bedroom door opened and Sam walked in with two steaming mugs.

“Your mum asked me to bring this into you. She said you enjoy hot cocoa.” He had a small smile on his face and Hermione let out a sigh, might as well tell him now. He sat next to her on the bed and she looked into his eyes.

“Sam I think you’re very nice and all bu-“ Her words were cut off by Sam placing his mouth on hers. At first she was still and didn’t kiss him back, but the taste of the hot coca on his soft lips became overwhelming. Their lips moved together for a mere minute before there was another knock on the door.

“Can I come in?” The sound of Mrs. Granger’s voice made the two jump apart. Sam handed the hot coca to Hermione who gratefully took it in her hands. It gave her something to look at besides Sam or her mom.

“Yes mum,” Sam stood up off of the bed just as Mrs. Granger poked her head around the door. Sam excused himself from the room and Mrs. Granger quickly took his place.


A few more days passed and Sam told Mrs. Granger that he would be going to see his parents for a few days before Christmas came and he’d be back before the week was over. She smiled and agreed to the idea enthusiastically before helping him pack his bags.

The day that Sam came back Hermione was overjoyed. When he walked out of their front door her heart ached. She wasn’t quite sure why at first but finally she understood; she liked Sam Turner.