He'll Be Crawling Back to You When I'm Finished With Him

my curse by Killswitch Engage

“Now what happened?” I asked squeezing my eyes shut while pinching the bridge of my nose hoping that she wouldn’t go into another fit of sobs but seeing as luck was against me at the time being she broke down again.

“I’m coming over” I muttered into the phone just managing to hear an ok over the sobbing. Hanging up I sighed turning the TV off, I walked into my room tugging on some jeans, leaving on my old baggy papa roach shirt. Looking down at my batman watch I sighed again running my fingers through my hair I walked into the kitchen grabbing my wallet and keys, running out the front door I tried to keep my balance as I tried to pull my shoes on with out falling. Seeing as the walk to Bella’s house wasn’t far I made my way on foot trying to straighten my slightly frizzy hair with my fingers, reaching her house I just let myself in with the spare key I was given two years ago.

“Hey, bell-bell I’m here” I shouted only to be greeted with a heart wrenching sob that from her bedroom. Walking towards her room I pulled my phone out of my jeans pocket and called the local Chinese. After ordering I opened her room only to be submerged in darkness, running my fingers over the wall I finally found the light switch, flicking the lights on my eyes darted over to her bed.

“Oh Bella, what happened?” I asked walking over to the lump on the bed, pulling the cover away from her head I looked down at the sobbing mess I call a friend.

“He, he d-dumped m-me” my friend sobbed out letting the occasional hiccup slip from her lips, sighing I gather her into my arms hugging her.

“Really?” I asked softly I couldn’t believe that he had done that, they looked so in love.

“Come on and tell me about it while we wait for the food to come” I whispered taking my distressed friends arm, moving her into her living room. Nodding her head she sat down on the love seat while I sat down next to her, handing her some tissues. I picked up the TV remote and turned on kerrang, I couldn’t help it I only had scuzz on my TV and Bella didn’t even seen to notice Howard Jones voice sing my favourite song my curse and I was insulted, I mean how can you just ignore such an amazing voice?

“I-I l-love h-him and he-e dumped me, I t-thought that he l-loved me” she stuttered out trying to calm her self down, snapping me out of my thoughts.

“But err Bella you were only together for what three weeks, don’t you think that a little too soon to love someone?” I asked only gaining me more sobs. I cringed and sighed in relief when I heard the doorbell.

Answering the door, I pulled my money out of my wallet and paid the man for the food, walking into the kitchen I grabbed two plates and two sets of knives and forks. Sitting down in the living room next to a still sobbing Bella I set her order in front of her on the coffee table while I emptied out my egg fried rice and sweat and sour chicken on a plate. Stuffing my face I flicked through the channels to find interview with the vampire was on, smiling to myself I kept the film on and turned the sound down slightly. Moving myself to the floor so I could see Bella properly I sighed and sorted her food out.

“Bella you have to eat” I sigh at my helpless friend. I mean she was pretty and she already had mike and Jacob wrapped around her finger so what was so special about this Edward dude?

“Bells when was the last time you ate?” I asked before eating a mouthful of my food.

“Yesterday morning, when he d-dumped me” she whispered staring blankly at the TV screen, creeping me out.

“Bella you have to eat” I sighed out pushing the plate full of her favourite food on her lap, looking down she took the fork and started to slowly eat, smiling at her I carried on happily munching on my food watching the film. Once finished I waited for Bella to finish and took her plate into the kitchen, placing them in the sink for her to clean up later. Walking back into the living room I sat back down next to Bella.

“Abby?” she asked slightly unsure of herself.

“What Bella?” I asked turning away from the dancing Lestat.

“Well… you know… err well” Bella stuttered blushing trying to find the right words.

“Bella just tell me” I said warmly. She nodded her head looking down at her hands.

“Will you make him come back to me, like you do for the other girls” she asked fast and quietly, I was lucky I understood what she was asking of me.

“Bella, you were going out with him for three weeks, I’ve been helping girls that have been with their man for years, not weeks” I said softly wanting her to understand that he may have just dumped her because he wanted someone new and didn’t like her as much as he first thought he did. Not because he was just being stupid and really loved her.

“SO! YOU HELP ALL OF THOSE OTHER GIRLS WHY NOT ME!” she yelled standing up from the sofa, I sighed tired rubbing my forehead at the newly forming headache that I could tell was going to be a bitch.

“Fine I’ll help you, Bella. But I can’t guarantee that he will come back to you” I whispered the last part not knowing if she heard me and ignored it or if she really didn’t hear me. Smiling she pulled me into a hug.

“ok first things first, you have to go back to work and look like you’re not bothered about the break up, show him what he’s missing” I said to her, not knowing just how much I was going to regret going over to Bella’s house that night.